Russian Warns Israel not to Attack Iran
[Russian Warns
Israel not to Attack Iran: Prophetic implications? by Joel Rosenberg] "Make no
mistake: the Russian-Iranian strategic alliance that I’ve been writing about for
the last several years has deepened to the point where Moscow is now
unequivocally and quite openly backing the mullahs in Iran. “Russia warned
Israel on Wednesday that attacking Iran would be a disastrous and played down
the failure of a U.N. nuclear agency mission to Tehran, saying there is still a
chance for new talks over the Iranian atomic programme,” reports Reuters. “‘Of
course any possible military scenario against Iran will be catastrophic for the
region and for the whole system of international relations,’ Deputy Foreign
Minister Gennady Gatilov told a news conference. It was one of Russia’s starkest
warnings against resorting to force, an option Israel and the United States have
not ruled out if they conclude that diplomacy and increasing sanctions will not
stop Iran from developing a nuclear bomb. ’I hope Israel understands all these
consequences … and they should also consider the consequences of such action for
themselves,’ Gatilov said. ‘I hope a realistic approach will prevail, along with
a sensible assessment.’”
The big question now is this: Will Vladimir Putin win his bid for become
Russia’s President again during the March 4 elections, and would Putin then
directly threaten Israel with retaliation for an attack on Iran? So far, Russia
hasn’t gone so far as to threaten a military response, but it’s not out of the
question. The latest poll shows Putin in a commanding lead to regain the
presidency, with 58.6% support, compared to Gennady Zyuganov, the head of the
Communist Party, who has 14.8% support. And Putin in recent years seems itching
to rebuild the Russian military (something he promised again just this week –
he’s called for a $770 billion upgrade of Russia’s military), strengthen his
alliances throughout the Islamic world, and give the West a black eye. He’s
explicitly running his campaign on anti-Americanism, for example. He’s close to
the Iranians. He’s defending the Bashar al-Assad, the butcher in Damascus. He’s
growing closer to the Turks, as they become hostile to Israel. Putin hasn’t
directly threatened Israel, but he’s backing all of Israel’s worst enemies and
could find himself drawn into a war to prove his alpha-dog machismo.
Another question I’m getting asked these days: Is Putin “Gog,” the evil leader
described in the prophecies of Ezekiel 38-39? It came up during my recent
speaking tour in Florida, and in a talk I gave to a group on Capitol Hill last
week? Thus far, my answer remains the same — Putin is certainly “Gog-esque,” but
it is too early to speculate on whether he is actually the biblical figure that
will rise to power in Russia (known in Ezekiel’s prophecy as “Magog”) in the
last days and build an alliance with Iran (“Persia”), Sudan (“Cush”), Turkey (“Gomer”),
Libya and Algeria (“Put”), the countries of Central Asia (“Beth Togarmah”) to
attack the State of Israel from “the north” (probably via Lebanon and Syria).
That said, it is fair to say that geopolitical events over the past decade — and
certainly over the past year or so — have been moving on a trajectory consistent
with the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38-39. That doesn’t necessarily mean we will see
the prophecies come to complete fulfillment in our lifetime or soon, but we
cannot rule out the possibility.
For the moment, the major need is to keep mobilizing people to pray for the
peace of Jerusalem, and to keep asking that the Lord to help us get ready for
the next war that comes, be that a really bad geopolitical war (ie, an Israeli
first strike on Iran, or vice versa), or a prophetic war (ie, the War of Gog and
Magog). One way or the other, it would seem that war is coming. The handwriting
seems to be on the wall. Dare we allow ourselves to be unprepared?"
Russian Warns Israel not to Attack Iran
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Can you count the number of original thoughts by Serpentdove in this thread?"
You don't like to discuss current events as Jesus did? Lk 13:4
Response to comment [from a Jew]: "Exactly what did you want to discuss here?"
Russia and
maybe Putin --but no pictures.
Does information provided in this article offend you?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[S]hould we give her credit for a non sequitur?"
Who are you talking to?
"...Is a non sequitur an original thought? Asking "quality" thoughts would be stacking the deck, right?"
What are you talking about?
"Better. Just rest."
You've given us much to consider.
The Antidote to Anti-Semitism by Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Does the "antidote" involve beating anti-Semites over the head with a baseball bat?"
"Maybe." ~ Fat Bastard It's way cooler to breathe fire out of your mouth (Re 11:5).
"Do you, serpentdove, believe that Vladimir Putin is Gog of Magog?"
I have no idea.
I never imaged that Gog would be such a dork.
How Russia Will Be Destroyed (or When Russia Comes Down Against Israel)
by Dr. J. Vernon McGee
"These two questions each call for an answer of "yes" or "no". Any answer to
these two questions other than "yes" or "no" will be summarily ignored."
He's a type.
Like Obama.
These are types of people that God will use in the future for his plans
and purposes.
Interlude: Kings of Inhabited Earth Proceed to Har-Magedon
by J. Vernon McGee
"I, for one, think this is interesting. When, in the long history of Israel, has there ever been such an alignment of nations which corresponds to Ezek 38-39?"
It's interesting. :think:
What'd I do?
"You didn't answer the questions I asked in the way that I requested; therefore, you have trouble following directions."
I can tell you
what I know.
I cannot tell you what I don't know.
I am twying...I am answer your question
(Chief Inspector Dreyfus, Pink Panther).
[Angel4Truth "I think Russia is Gog of Magog - its a country imo not a person."] "If that's true (that Russia is Gog of Magog), then destroying Russia would neutralize the prophecy..."
Take out Russia. Ok. We'll get right on that.
Eze 38, 39 Re 20:7-9 MacArthur, McGee
What is the War of Gog and Magog? by Joel Rosenberg
"I asked if the article you sited presented using violence on anti-Semites to be the antidote to their anti-Semitism..."
Rosenberg presents that as a possibility, yes. Anyone who has not been living under a rock knows that a preemptive strike is likely.
"...and for the second, I asked if you believed a particular thing."
I believe that this prophecy will be fulfilled. I do not have enough information to determine if events occurring now are the fulfillment of prophecy. I can only say that it is interesting.
"If the pre-emptive strike is the first shot in a sustained campaign of extermination, I support it whole-heartedly! Anything less is just foolin' around..."
Nuke Iran. Ok. Do you think--and you're energetic by the way --that Clinton allowing a nuclear North Korea might come back to bite us?