School Prayer
American Humanist Association Sues Teacher Who Prayed for Sick Student
ADF Files Lawsuit After Middle School Student Is Banned From Posting Religious
Fliers Mk 16:15
Teacher tells first-grader, "Jesus is not allowed in school."
Another teacher bans Bible talk in classroom
[Teacher’s Alleged Response to 5-Year-Old’s Endearing
Act Has These Outraged Parents Strongly Considering Homeschooling by Dave
Urbanski] "When Marcos and Kathy Perez heard the words coming from their
5-year-old daughter’s mouth, they were flabbergasted.
In fact, so unheard of and blatantly out of step with American values was the
incident they were hearing about that Marcos Perez pulled out his iPhone and
started recording as they listened again to their kindergartner’s story.
A story that soon would be posted online via a YouTube video and generate quite
the groundswell of interest.
“I was at school, and I got my lunch, and I was about to pray and say something
to Jesus,” their daughter said.
Then this shocker: “My lunch teacher told me…’you’re not allowed to pray...’”"
Full text:
Teacher’s Alleged Response to 5-Year-Old’s Endearing Act Has These Outraged
Parents Strongly Considering Homeschooling Jn 8:36
War on Christmas
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...I also read a good comment not to long ago. Putting prayer back in public schools is like putting prayer back in a whore house."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Because Jesus wants to be acknowledged everywhere except on public school property."
Get your kids the hell out of godless public
schools (Pr 22:6).
"This is a very old argument." ~ Marie Picard
"Tell us what you think about Christians that have or currently are sending their children to public schools."
They should pick them up immediacy and get them into a
Christian school or homeschool.
"Are they pimping out their children to Satan?"
Yes, exactly. Satan and his minions.
Sidebar: Would you consider adding a Homo Pt 3 thread? Reason being,
I view threads in hybrid mode. Your
Homo Pt 2 will not display in said mode because it is
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Do you not get it? There shouldn't be a whore house--and there shouldn't be tax payer financed schools."
That's right (Pr 22:6).
"I feel sorry they are not fortunate enough to have them go to a private school or be home schooled..."
Do whatever it takes. It can be done if it's a priority (Pr 22:6).
"You know, most of our [C]atholic brothers that have a school with their "church", also finance the tuition at no interest."
Catholic school
Re 17
ACW, remember
Dexter--the serial killer who kills serial killers?
The scariest part of the series occurred when he almost became a CathOlic.
Serial killer I can take--
but don't become a CathOlic!
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [New thread?] "No. (Turn in your liberal hybrid computer for one that runs on gas...the combustible engine is the best way to go)."
I must be doing something wrong.
"Is that what "recess" entails at the serpentdove home, watching serial killers on the television?"
What do you have against
serial killers?
1 Jn 3:15, Mt 5:22
"Not a thing, in fact I killed off the last part of a box of serial this