Sean Hannity On NSA Surveillance, Then And Now
Response to comment [from other]: "Hannity's opinions on NSA surveillance differ depending on who the president is [link] ...Hannity is just a knee jerk conservative."
He's a political hack
not a conservative.
Surveillance isn't a problem.
Sinful men are the problem (Am
"What Is Sin
Man calls it an accident; God calls it an abomination.
Man calls it a blunder; God calls it blindness.
Man calls it a defect; God calls it a disease.
Man calls it a chance; God calls it a choice.
Man calls it an error; God calls it an enmity.
Man calls it a fascination; God calls it a fatality.
Man calls it an infirmity; God calls it an iniquity.
Man calls it a luxury; God calls it a leprosy.
Man calls it a liberty; God calls it lawlessness.
Man calls it a trifle; God calls it a tragedy.
Man calls it a mistake; God calls it a madness.
Man calls it a weakness; God calls it willfulness.
—Moody Monthly" Tan, P. L. (1996). Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations: Signs of
the Times. Garland, TX: Bible Communications, Inc.
"Good luck getting big government to do what you want. It won't happen. Because people are sinful. And they always will be."
That's why we share the gospel (Ac 20:20). The size of government is irrelevant. Any form of government would work if man did not sin (Am 8:5).
"I can't really prove it with certainty from scripture, but I can't imagine we'd need a government if man did not sin..."
The law is for the lawless (1
Ti 1:9).
"We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
Gold Hat, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Ga 5:22-23
"...Then again, sometimes I wonder if we need one now considering how the worst criminals in this country are either working directly for the State or have their activities sanctioned and protected by the same)."
God gives authority to governments (Ro 13:1). He holds those in government accountable (Deut 17:18–19).
"Unjustly using force against other people is sinful (Proverbs 3:30)..."
"Some folks just need killin'" - Karl Childers, Sling
Eccl 3:8
Strive not with a man without cause, if he have
done thee no harm [Prov.
"Under the Mosaic Law it was a sin to strive with another without adequate
grounds. Under grace we are told, “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but
rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will
repay, saith the Lord” (Rom.
12:19). We leave the pathway of faith and trust
in God when we take matters into our own hands. If we have been treated
unjustly, we should turn the matter over to God and let God deal with the
situation and with the individual involved.
I have learned over a period of many years as a minister that if someone does
harm you, you should go to God about it; let Him know that you have been hurt.
Then turn the one who has hurt you over to God. Tell the Lord, “This is your
business, You said that You would take care of it.” I have watched over a period
of years, and I can say that God does deal with such people. These proverbs are
wonderful and they are true. They are helpful not only for the young man but for
the old man and for women and girls—they apply to the whole human race." McGee,
J. V. (1991). Vol. 20: Thru the Bible commentary: Poetry (Proverbs) (electronic
ed.) (45). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
"...Considering you frequently do make posts about political issues, I seriously doubt you really think Christians should have no involvement in politics..."
The liberal would like you to believe that (Mt
We are to serve God (Lk
19:13, KJV).
"...I'm not sure what your point is."
We should share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ps 33:12
"Pretending we're already in heaven may be nice but it ignores reality."