Second Hand Smoke Hoax


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The idea that second hand smoke is dangerous is a lie, a hoax and a myth. It is devised by anti-corporation commies who hate freedom and free enterprise [that would be liberals to any of you who are new here]. It is on par with the global warming hoax, interestingly [and not coincidentally] an 'environmental' issue.  Read about the hoax here:  Second-Hand Smokescreens..."

Smoke 'em if you've got 'em.


Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "I'm a smoker myself and wouldn't think of exposing a child, loved one, or pet to second hand smoke. Seems imprudent and completely reckless. Why take the chance? Err on the side of caution and all that."


Do you feel the same about risky sexual behavior, Satanist? Matt. 15:19, 1 Cor. 6:18. If people must err, should it be on the side of caution then, too? Maybe listen to God in the first place? Jn 10:10.

After the second hand smoke hysteria (Eccl 10:2) what next? Salt? Is the sky going to fall because we have too much salt in our diet? Milk? Should we start sending out the Food Police? Rev. 13:11–17.


Smoke 'em if you've got 'em.

This is something to be concerned about:
Fire official: Electric cigarette explodes, burning Fla man’s face, knocking out his teeth. Second hand smoke is not. If you'd like a advise people of the dangers of smoking cigarettes so be it.

Leftists like to create hysteria over minor issues because they do not tackle major issues like sexual sin or covetousness.


Second Hand Smoke Hoax