Sheriff Joe: 'Probable cause' Obama certificate a fraud


[Sheriff Joe: 'Probable cause' Obama certificate a fraud: Team wants investigation elevated to criminal-forgery probe – person of interest ID'd] "Phoenix--An investigative “Cold Case Posse” launched six months ago by “America’s toughest sheriff” – Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County – has concluded there is probable cause that the document released by the White House last year as President Obama’s birth certificate is a computer-generated forgery.

The investigative team...will make available the resources of his Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. The posse says it has identified at least one person of interest in the alleged forgery of Obama’s birth certificate. Arapaio, known for his strict enforcement of immigration laws, commissioned the investigative team after local citizens presented him with a petition expressing concern that Obama might not be eligible for Arizona’s presidential ballot. In addition to the live-streaming, WND is making available to the public a report distributed to media today by Arpaio’s investigators..." Full text:
Sheriff Joe: 'Probable cause' Obama certificate a fraud: Team wants investigation elevated to criminal-forgery probe – person of interest ID'd  Acts 2:23, Matt. 13:41, 2 Cor. 6:14


"Arpaio is an authority on this issue how?"


He is a sheriff. He investigates things.


"How would he know and why should we care?"


You shouldn't. Go get drunk (Re 22:11).


Response to comment [from a Christian]: [I never said Obama faked his birth announcement.] "See above. Next time, think before you say something stupid."


He's totally incapable of making an argument without the use of fallacies (e.g. strawman). Eph 4:14


Stunner! Balanced CBS report on Arpaio probe


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You misrepresented your post #237, in which you were discussing birth certificates. When billybob responded to you, you switched it to birth announcements in post 262.  Very understandable for a confused old guy..."



Stunning percentage agrees with Sheriff Joe


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "You think Breitbart was murdered."


You think Breitbart was murdered.



[A Florida Democrat is Challenging President Obama’s right to be the nation’s chief executive] "Its not news that many Americans do not believe that President Barak Obama is constitutionally qualified to be president of the United States. However a new lawsuit in Florida challenging Obama’s eligibility is unique in that the person suing is a member of the president’s party.

Democrat Michael Voeltzis is asking the court to keep the President from appearing on the Florida General Election Ballot in 2012 unless the Florida Secretary of State certifies that Mr. Obama is a natural born citizen of the Unites States as required by the constitution. This suit joins several others asking the President to prove his status as a natural born American." Story:
A Florida Democrat is Challenging President Obama’s right to be the nation’s chief executive



Lord Monckton: ‘I’m no birther,’ but Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery’


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Obviously a nutter, a moron, an idiot..."


This goes without saying if you disagree with Barbie.


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Take your pick...although as per usual people just post without researching. I'm sure a "large proportion" of people believe everything he says..."


Something must be wrong with the audio.  It sounds like he did, in fact, say this. 


"Lord Monckton is essentially a liar and fraud among other things..."

Now he did say it.


"...[S]ort of the perfect representative for the fringe [R]epublican viewpoints, wouldn't you say?"


We'd have to say that because he disagrees with you.


"We're rather sure it's a fraudulent document..." ~ Sherriff Joe Arpaio Audio


Sheriff Joe: 'Probable cause' Obama certificate a fraud