Should voting be mandatory?

Crucible View Post
Women voting has never done a single thing in history other than potentially put Hillary into office.

Women were created equal to men. Adam and Eve named all the animals (Gen. 2:19, 20). Headship doctrine is not biblical.



Everything a woman does a apart from men is striving against men...

Men and women were created differently for God's purposes (Gen. 1:28, 2:18, Mal. 2:14, 15, 1 Cor. 7:2, 9, Prov. 5:19; 1 Tim. 5:14).

...and men accept that because they've been taught a lie that all men were misogynists"

I didn't teach my son that.

...[S]ome men enjoyed women working and looking fit- as opposed to having it made and looking less attractive.

No reason why she shouldn't look her best for her man. Are you a pragmatist like Donald Trump who believes that women over 35 are to be disposed of? Traded in for a new model?

"What is it at 35? It's called check-out time." ~ Donald Trump Ex 20:14, Mal 2:14, Heb 13:4 

"...[M]en worked from sun up to sundown..."

Hopefully for something honorable (Eph. 5:25–33).

"...[W]hile women pretty much did whatever they wanted."

God gave man a helper to suit him (Gen. 2:18, 20). That was his gift (Prov. 18:22). She is to care for the home (Tt 2:5) and the kids (Tt 2:4). Is that something of value to you?

...[A] lot of them preferred to do housework because they felt obligated to do more than freeload.

I don't know any God fearing women who freeload (your word) [Pr 31].

How oppressed they were!

God will determine whether you've oppressed a woman or not. I don't know if you are a husband. If you are, you are to: love (Eph. 5:25, 28), honor (1 Pet. 3:7), provide for (1 Tim. 5:8), protect (1 Sam. 30:1–19) and not divorce (1 Cor. 7:11) her. If you're not doing that, you're worse than an infidel (1 Ti 5:8).

[Adam and Eve named all the animals (Gen. 2:19, 20)]  Your post doesn't even deserve a rebuttal.

Adam means humankind.

He named the animals before Eve was even created.

Wrong. They ([הָֽאָדָם֙] she in him) named the animals (Gen. 2:19, 20).

But thanks for being a perfect example of how feminist bias completely warps your brain even to the extent of biblical interpretation.

Sorry you don't know what marriage is (Matt. 19:6). Hopefully, you are not married.

Just like how you all cherry pick Paul's teachings on women, and literally ignore where he teaches headship.  

You're projecting again (Eph 4:14).

I suffer not that woman to teach [doctrine Diana] or to usurp authority over a man (1 Ti 2:12).

According to @serpentdove, Eve can be Adam but Adam can't be Eve.

Adam kept the name and gave her the name, Eve. Sorry that oneness thing rubs you the wrong way (Mt 19:6). Hate the seed of the woman, do you?

Let the gals knows this before courting them (Judg 21:25, Jer. 16:2).

How convenient.

Adam means humankind. The two become one again as God intended (Mt 19:6). Why don’t you make it up as you go along? Most people do (Mt 7:14, 1 Co 6:9-10, Heb 13:4).

Made up, revisionist nonsense which has never been interpreted that way.

Look at original manuscript evidence and languages if this matters to you. God did not re-breathe life into Eve (1 Ti 2:13). The fire of life was in both of them. They are heirs of the grace of life together (1 Pe 3:7).

All those as yourself are good for is rubbing rubbish in men's faces…

What am I rubbing into your face? The truth? Ga 4:16

…to antagonize them with your self-centered rebellion

Jezebel spirit. The biblically illiterate usually say this (2 Ti 2:15).

…against men being the head of women.

Now you want a woman? Make up your mind.

You just don't like the fact that God made mankind a patriarchy, from Abraham to Paul…

I have no dog in this fight. Live the way you’d like (Ga 6:7). God gives you that choice.

…and want to justify your rejection of it with lies.

You're the one who said women freeload. This doctrine requires them to pull their own weight (Pr 31). You're still not happy?

[Women equal to men] ...[E]very idiot male will feed right into it...

You're projecting again (Eph 4:14).

Junia was called an apostle (Rom. 16:7). Her name was changed to man’s name, Junias, by Catholics in the 14th century. The gospel breaks down barriers.

You only show why God commanded women to be subservient...

You need to pray toward Mecca five times a day not Jerusalem.

God chooses women to do his work, as well. Deborah, a judge of Israel, was a prophetess. She was wise and commanded an army. She led troops to victory. She chose military men and told Barak what he must do. He would not rescue the Israelites without her because he knew God was with her (Judg 4:8). Judges 4:1–5:31  

...Serpentdove here just perpetuates new age, revisionist tripe that deserves to be thrown into the same garbage bin in whence it came.

Jael used a tent peg to kill an enemy general (Judg 4:21–24). She was a national hero and praised by Deborah (Judg. 5:24–27). Again, Deborah led a nation to God (Israel had chosen false gods). It took the courage and wisdom of a woman to achieve victory. She relied on God. Her life was an example of listening to God and completing your mission.


Abigail was a beautiful woman who was married to Nabal (a name meaning nothing man). Christian women don't see men as nothing. They see them as equal (not higher or lower) [Gen. 2:19, 20]. Women were not created to be silent or merely for making sandwiches. Men and women need each other. That's why God gave man a helper (Gen. 2:18, 20).

David sent men to ask Nabal for provisions (1 Sa 25:1–9). Nabal refused (25:10–12) and David became angry (25:13). He planned for 400 men to kill all males young and old there. Nabal's wife Abigail heard about it prepared provisions to appeased David and his men (25:14–31). She acted out of her own relationship with the God of Israel. She saved Nabal’s house (25:32–35).

Paul clearly teaches that Christian women are not supposed to be the head of man... 

Men and women are equal before God. Christian women love their brothers in the Lord.

The daughters of Zelophehad had asked that they be permitted to inherit their father's land upon his death because he had no sons. The Lord decided for them. Moses granted their request (Num. 27:1–11). They received more than a piece of land. They had asked for spiritual gifts and used them. No one came between them and the Lord.  

Stop blaspheming Christianity to spread your agenda.

You're projecting again (Eph 4:14).

Ps 68:11 is coming true. In Hebrew: The Lord announces the word and the women who proclaim it are a mighty large army. This is a prophetic utterance and it is being fulfilled.  

The Jews do not have authoritative rabbis.

[To another member] Women are also priests unto God (Re 5:10).

@Ktoyou is a feminist by title. She mastered the art of misdirection...

You're projecting again (Eph 4:14).

Women may also praise God in church (Ps 98:4).  


Martha was a dutiful servant (Lk 10:40); but, Mary had chosen something better--learning at Jesus' feet and no one would take it from her (10:41–42).

Ya'll don't know the difference between praising and preaching...

John the Baptist was a type of Eve.  God did not have a re-breathe the Holy Spirit into him (Lk 1:15, 1 Ti 2:13).   

You merely insert 'woman' where it is not stated.

You merely extract her humanity from [ אָדָם ] from mankind (Eph 4:14).

It would take a woman who believed to save the world (Ge 3:15, Is 7:14, Lk 1:38). 

It's because of Eve that it needed saving in the first place, you moron.

If you'd like the seed of the woman to save you, just ask (Ge 3:15, Ro 5:10, Col 1:21).


What is the Serpent Seed doctrine?

If Eve never existed, Adam would have never made the mistake- he made it because he was a fool for Eve.

Fallen Adam talking (Ge 3:12).

She damns her own theology with the cancer that feminism...

Why did men go to Huldah, a woman, to get the word of God? 2 Chr. 34:22–25

Queue jeopardy theme (right click, open).
patrick jane View Post
They weren't thinking clearly.

If they asked for a word, they could also get a sandwich. :idea:
Crucible View Post
There is nothing in the Bible that justifies your insurrection...

"The voice of woman is filthy nakedness" ~ Talmud. Your Pharisaic Mishnah thinking has brought you another gospel (Ga 1:6).  

Should voting be mandatory?