Sick, Satanic Puppies at Berkeley
"In the early morning hours of Thursday, March 18, the Student Senate of the University of California at Berkeley voted in favor of a divestment resolution targeting Israel. The resolution, which passed by a lopsided vote of 16 to 4, calls for the university to divest funds from General Electric and ITT because of their ties with Israel..." Full text:
Israel goes out of their way
to protect civilians. What other nation has to fight to exist? Gen 16:12.
Can you see the difference between Israel and her enemies? Do you believe
uncircumcised Philistines really want peace?
1 Sam 17:26. Does anyone at Berkeley ever bathe?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Hey, this is in California! Haven't you given up on Californians yet?"
Having to state the obvious,
I know.
It's an upside down world (Isa 5:20).
It is my belief that anti-Semitism is Satanic. If you hate God; naturally, you hate his people.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The funny thing is that there are so many Jews in the entertainment business in California. Go figure! Maybe that's why they are not supporting Israel. Just kidding here."
There are many Jews who are not Zionists (support Israel's right to their land [Judges 11] And most Jews are secular (leftism is their religion). There are spiritual and psychological reasons for this.
"I wonder is Barbara [Streisand] goes along with the ideas at Berkeley..."
Send in the clowns.