Silver Spoon


Obama: "Somebody gave me an education..." Story


Would Obama be a better man had he paid for his own education?
Eccl 10:2


Response to comment [from other]: "Did you pay for your education, Serpentdove?"


Yes. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth.


"I would demand a refund if I were you."


Ad hominem


Response to comment [from other]: "I think we can assume that the OP makes no difference whatsoever, as far as serpentdove is concerned... Whether Obama paid for his education from his pocket, or from his parent's pockets, or earned it by working in the coal mines, or hocked his baby ring to pay for it, or took out and paid off student loans, had student jobs, or whatever... serpentdove's head would be spinning and her knees jerking about it no matter what."


Ad hominem Eccl. 10:12–14


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You can do nothing about the Future.  It does not matter who you have as a Government leader.  It has all been planned out from ancient times."


"There's always hope. There's just no chance." ~ Dennis Prager Ob 7


Response to comment [from other]: "Oh, baloney."


Move over Sophocles (Ingraham).


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "Whichever one is elected you may expect the rich to get richer and the less than rich to get even less."


"Boo Frickety hoo!" ~ Dr. Evil Ec 5:10; Hab 2:5


Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "We've all had to cut back a bit in times like this. It must be tough waiting for the servant to bring the car around front when it would be so much more convenient with an elevator to bring it up to the ground level."


Conservatives want economic freedom. Liberals want economic equality.

Too bad you're a covetous person (
Eph 5:5; Col 3:5).


[Conservatives want economic freedom.] "For "the right people." But not for everyone."


It is wrong to pickpocket your neighbor (Ex 20:15, Mt 19:19).

Why won't you answer this question: Do you believe Jesus now has a body? …


"Already answered that...John 20: 24-28..."


Proof please.


"...First you question whether or not His resurrection was literal, and now you question whether or not He has a physical body."

Eph 4:14

Do you believe Jesus now has a body?




"Serpent, if you don't think He has a body, and you don't think the Resurrection was physical, why do you call yourself a Christian? Both of these facts have been accepted by Christians from the start.  What makes you think either of these are false?"



I believe in a: physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus. I have told you this repeatedly (
Eph 4:14).

Do you believe Jesus now has a body? Yes, no, or I don't know. It's ok not to know by the way. That is what we are here for.


Barbarian quote: "...I believe that the death we are saved from is a spiritual one."

[Serpentdove quote: "Do you believe in a physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus?"]

Barbarian quote: "I think you're wrong about that."
Eph 5:11 link

[SerpentDove: Do you believe Jesus has a body?]

Barbarian: "...Serpent questions the physical resurrection of Christ..."
Eph 4:14 link

[SerpentDove: Do you believe Jesus now has a body?]

Barbarian: "...
John 20: 24-28...First you question whether or not His resurrection was literal, and now you question whether or not He has a physical body." link




[I believe in a: physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus. I have told you this repeatedly (Eph 4:14).] "And yet you keep questioning that."


Strawman (Eph 4:14)


A statement is not a question. I have asked you what you believe about Jesus now. Do you believe Jesus now has a body?


Barbarian quote: "...I believe that the death we are saved from is a spiritual one."

[Serpentdove quote: "Do you believe in a physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus?"]

Barbarian quote: "I think you're wrong about that."
Eph 5:11 link

[SerpentDove: Do you believe Jesus has a body?]

Barbarian: "...Serpent questions the physical resurrection of Christ..."
Eph 4:14 link

[SerpentDove: Do you believe Jesus now has a body?]

Barbarian: "...
John 20: 24-28...First you question whether or not His resurrection was literal, and now you question whether or not He has a physical body." link




Hello out there. Hello out there.


Response to comment [from other]: "Let the reader decide."


Five inquiries later-- we'll need an answer first. It's not an easy question. Christians need to know what they believe.


"post error"


A few housekeeping items:


I make frequent typos that I generally don't catch until I've posted a comment (e.g. a period, comma, space, etc.).  Or, I may decide to rephrase for clarity. 


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I read it.  I decided."


Look how the God-haters come out to defend you pagan heathen.


Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "TH judges..."


Barbarian quote: "...I believe that the death we are saved from is a spiritual one."

[Serpentdove quote: "Do you believe in a physical, literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus?"]

Barbarian quote: "I think you're wrong about that."
Eph 5:11 link

"Do you believe Jesus now has a body?"

Barbarian: ...crickets...




Silver Spoon