Sola fide: a Protestant error?
If you are a Catholic, it's ok to identify yourself as
such. You do not need to parade around calling yourself a Christian.
"There is, I believe, a strong and pervasive and somewhat subtle strategy
unfolding today among those who call themselves "evangelical Christians." This
is being masterminded by the arch enemy, Satan, and sadly being bought into by
many many people in evangelical churches. This subtle strong strategy basically
is an attack on the sufficiency of the Word of God...." Full text:
The Sufficiency of Scripture, Pt. 1 by John MacArthur
"I am catholic in the sense that I participate in a single church that is held together under one head...Roman Catholics had ignored the Word in the Middle Ages [and even today] while protestants have learned to distort the Word!"
"I am very much an "evangelical" in the true sense of the Word, because it is God's victory on behalf of his people for which I live (i.e. the true gospel!). I am also evangelical in the truly Lutheran sense of the word (in as much as that gospel is proclaimed in the Word of God, in scripture). You, my friend, are throwing out unsubstantiated accusations as if they applied to me (and you are being a false witness in this!)."
I haven't nominated you for Satan, Inc.--yet. Is the word of God all-sufficient (El Shaddai)?
fide: a Protestant error?