Strength/weight training
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Ok, so who is into strength/weight training and/or just working out in general? What kind of exercises do you do?"
Me. All of them. 1 Ti 4:8
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "At my parents house I have a Total Gym."
Chuck Norris once bowled a perfect game with a marble.
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
"What is this 'gym' and 'exercise' that
people speak of? It sounds scary to me
The Total Gym was used for physical therapy.
Then, they made a home unit for fitness.
And--Superman owns a pair of Chuck Norris
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[O]ccasional MMA stuff for cardio."
Note to self
never upset TomO
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...I mostly just walk now or play like badminton, table tennis, etc etc..."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "One more opinion: other than some minor health benefits, cardio and other "exercise" programs are basically just flopping around for an hour. Cutting 500 calories from your diet would have the same benefit without adding the stress of cardio to your system. (Which leads to water retention)."
No way. Cardio is
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "That depends on what you are trying to accomplish."
"The first time I see
a jogger smiling, I'll consider it." ~ Joan
Response to comment [from a Jew]: [Exercise]
"Exercise? A Jew doesn't exercise." ~ William Shatner
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "How
do you explain why the catholic "Jesus" has
a six pack?"
"I'm a hair over 6'2" and currently 208..."