God Shall Send Them Strong Delusion to Believe a Lie
Response to comment [from a Jehovah's Witness]: "Why does God do this?"
Because they would not believe the truth. Then, the cultists come knocking on your door.
"[T]hey would not believe the truth because they had not been chosen to salvation."
Any person can be saved if they humble themselves before the Lord. We know that this is God's will for each person (2 Pe 3:9). Jesus died for the whole world (Jn 3:16). He came to save those those who recognize their need for him (Re 3:17).
Response to comment [from a Jehovah's Witness]: "No they cannot, not if they were not chosen to salvation, sorry."
I see you took a whole 32 seconds to study the Bible references provided. Many are invited; they only need to respond (Mt 22:2-14).
Response to comment [from a Jehovah's Witness]: "They are forever learning..."
You are a Jehovah's False Witness right? Please change your identification if this is still so. Look at your 3713 posts--yet never receiving Christ after the many Christians who have no doubt witnessed to you. "Always learning" (2 Ti 3:7) is not learning at all--it is never responding to the truth already given.
Receiving (δέχομαι) Christ is welcoming his word. Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic study cannot change a person's heart. He must lay aside all filthiness and residual sin and receive the word with meekness (Jas 1:21). Seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Mt 6:33).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "So much for the myth of free will."
Free will is not a myth. God insists that love is real. Would you want to spend an eternity with those who hate you? God is holy. He is calling out a people who are interested in holiness.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "God doing anything to suspend "free will," even for a moment, it to not have "free will" at all. See also what your God "did" to Pharaoh (among others)."
I thought you did not believe in God. Or--are you like most atheists who actually do believe in him but hate him?
Alright, you want to argue about someone who does not exists.
God does not take away man's freewill. He will spend eternity with those who wish to be with him. That is why they should get to know him now before making a decision to dismiss him altogether. Atheists believe lies about God. It behooves them to find out the truth. God revealed what was already in Pharaoh's heart. He will reveal the hearts of all wicked men (Jer 17:9).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Have you always had this reading problem or is it a disease you developed since day-before-yesterday? Note god with a small "g." I was making an observation not a proclamation of theological standing. Neither can I hate that which hasn't shown itself to exist."
If God does not exist then why are you concerned with the fact that he hardened Pharaoh's heart (revealed the hardness which was there already). Why mention it? We are supposed to accept the accusation that God (capitalized "G" or not) is cruel and leave it at that? God is not cruel. He is loving. Pharaoh was cruel. Atheists are usually on the side of God's enemies.
"Your god doing anything to suspend "free will," even for a moment, it to not have "free will" at all.
You can say "will".
I agree. If he suspended "free will" it would not be will at all. He does not suspend man's will. Man gets to go to hell just as he chooses.
"Your god is too cruel to exist. He causes people to make choices against his "will" in order to punish them for making the choice he made them make."
If God did that he would be cruel, agreed. God did not take Pharaoh's will. He knew Pharaoh's heart. Pharaoh was a good candidate for fulfilling God's higher purpose. God (the one that doesn't exist) is bigger than you give him credit for (Isa 55:8).
"[H]e [God] is undeserving of my 'praise.'"
He is deserving of all praise. Praising him is right and good (Ps 96:4). I would do it sooner rather than later. If you can make a knee you can make it bow. If you can make a tongue, you can make it confess (Ro 14:11).
[Atheists are usually on the side of God's enemies.] "There you go again misplacing who atheists are..."
I defined the atheist--one who knows there is no God. The agnostic is one who is not sure--one who doubts.
"...and what/who they choose to support."
The atheist knows not to support what does not exist. The agnostic is not sure what to support because he is unsure if God exists. The agnostic is either honest or dishonest. Your not answering the question as to whether you are an honest doubter or a dishonest doubter, leads one to believe that you are the latter--all while claiming to be an atheist. See how man can deceive himself due to pride? (Ga 6:3). The depth of depravity in the human heart never ceases to amaze (Jer 17:9).
""Will," as in "free will," means "choice," as in "free choice." If your god prevents us from making a choice "free" from interference he is not god."
"He is not God?" or "He is not good?" Not capitalizing "God" as is proper, causes confusion. I've made this argument before at atheist's sites for the sake of clarity but they persist.
I'm not sure how to answer because of your childish rebellion.
If you meant: "...[H]e is not god." Agreed. He would not be the God of the Bible as you present him. The God of the Bible gives men a will. He does not take their will away. Decisions have consequences.
If you meant: "...[H]e is not good." Also agreed. The way you portray God as removing man's will for evil purposes would make him evil. The God of the Bible does causes evil (that which is opposed to good) for his purposes--which are good--for those who love him (Ro 8:28).
Perhaps you wish for God to cause good for those who hate him? Again, not the God of the Bible. It is his universe. He gets to make the rules. He is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense for some (1 Pe 2:8). He'll be your savior or he'll be your judge: "Whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder (Mt 21:44)."
I do find it interesting that atheists tend to identify with God's enemies in scripture. When I read the Bible, I root for the good guys. I guess there are those kindred spirits who persist in believing lies about God because their deeds are evil (Jn 3:19).
Shall Send Them Strong Delusion to Believe a Lie