Suggestions on how we might give TOL a boost?


Start your own YouTube channel.


Response to comment [from a Christian]: [TOLers on YouTube] That is actually a great idea.


Tom'O gave me the idea with his Box O'Truth.

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Make it an infraction worthy offense to post more than twice in a row outside of a thread you create..."

You're a bit of control freak.

“Have you ever considered removing the non subscribers ability to delete posts?” - Town Heretic

"She said, attempting to exercise control or garner attention, which appears to be your obsessive meat..."

You went to all of that schooling to be able to make an argument. Maybe you're not such a good lawyer? We'd like to help you work out your technique here (Jn 3:8), so that when you hit the courts where it matters, you'll be able to make a better case for your clients. Do you have any clients? You spend a lot of time in this place.

You needn't be afraid of us. There is no need to silence the critic.

"That's why you carry other peoples' quotes about with you..."

If you'd like to know why I use quotes or cultural references, just ask.

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Is that little red person supposed to read TOL..."

The little red person () is a type of person who wishes to silence the critic (Eccl 10:2).


Liberty vs. Tyranny

"Jonah Goldberg reminds us that the original fascists were really on the Left, and that liberals from Woodrow Wilson to FDR to Hillary Clinton have advocated policies and principles remarkably similar to those of Hitler's National Socialism and Mussolini's Fascism.

Contrary to what most people think, the Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term "National Socialism"). They believed in free health care and guaranteed jobs. They confiscated inherited wealth and spent vast sums on public education. They purged the church from public policy, promoted a new form of pagan spirituality, and inserted the authority of the state into every nook and cranny of daily life. The Nazis declared war on smoking, supported abortion, euthanasia, and gun control. They loathed the free market, provided generous pensions for the elderly, and maintained a strict racial quota system in their universities--where campus speech codes were all the rage. The Nazis led the world in organic farming and alternative medicine. Hitler was a strict vegetarian, and Himmler was an animal rights activist... (Sleeve of his book, Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg)."


Response to comment [from a Christian]: [You went to all of that schooling to be able to make an argument.] "No. I could argue long before that..."


Then why can't you take on little 'ol anonymous, TOL members like us?


"...And you should try something with caffeine in it ..."


Funny you should mention that.  It's tea time.


"...if you're tired and it won't react poorly to whatever meds you're taking...or were."

I'm not on meds. I'm filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18).

Again, we're trying to help you out. In court, my lawyer (a good one) says that he never asks a question to which he doesn't already know the answer.

You said that I, "...[Attempt] to exercise control or garner attention..."

You don't know me very well.

You went on: "That's why you carry other peoples' quotes about with you..."

0 for 2. Lk 13:4."Maybe you're an ostrich."

What law school did you attend?

[(Great debater Prov. 28:26 ) "Then why can't you take on little 'ol anonymous, TOL members like us?"] "On par with, "Do you still beat your wife?" I do so on a nearly daily basis..."

Yet you want to silence the critic (Eccl 10:2).

“Make it an infraction worthy offense to post more than twice in a row outside of a thread you create (TH).”

“Have you ever considered removing the non subscribers ability to delete posts?” TH

[I'm filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18).] "Well, let's just both agree you're full of something..."

Do you mean filled with something? Eph 5:18. Are you equating the Holy Spirit with excrement?

"...[Y]ou succeed at being as helpful as you are genuine..."

Helpful to whom? Isa 6:9

[In court, my lawyer (a good one) says that he never asks a question to which he doesn't already know the answer.] "Every lawyer, good or bad, knows that..."

Practice what you preach.

[You said that I, "...[Attempt] to exercise control or garner attention..."] "I did. And that isn't a question."

You made a truth claim.  You happen to be wrong--again.

[You don't know me.] "I know what you do/write here..."

Truth is truth independent from me (Ac 5:29, Mt 15:9).

For not liking people who derail threads, you sure derail threads a lot (Prov 21:20,
Jn 5:20).

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Sod, old boy! Good of you to stalk stop by!"

Aren't you the one who tries to make threads about people not issues?

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "To Sod I am the issue..."

And to you I am the issue.

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "He needs salvation..."

I think you're right (Pr 18:12).

Response to comment [from a Christian]: [SD] "Said the fellow who interjected himself into a conversation for no other purpose than to throw out a weak insult?"

Keeping you in check.

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "See what I mean SD?  He's a sick man."

He talks about "weak insults". Had I known we got extra credit for stronger insults, I would have had way more fun all this time (Prov. 17:27; 21:23; Eccl. 3:7).

Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Do you mean filled with something? Eph 5:18. Are you equating the Holy Spirit with excrement?] "No. I'm suggesting that you're up to your ears in bad beans and nonsense that you're attempting to wrap the Holy around as a means of sheltering you from deserved return."

I see what you were aiming for but it's crass and boorish.

[Helpful to whom? Isa 6:9] "You should read the posts more carefully."

I don't know that that would make a difference (Prov. 29:20).

"When someone says to someone else without qualification that they were trying to help the inference is that they're attempting to assist the person addressed. That pesky education kicking in again, I suppose."

I think I know why there are so many lawyer jokes.

[You made a truth claim. You happen to be wrong--again.] "I speculated. It remains to be seen whether I'm wrong or not..."

It doesn't remain to be seen. You made it clear that you have no interest in knowing my reasons for writing as I do--and that's ok by the way.

TH quote: "You're as mysterious to me as a Burma-Shave ad, but thanks anyway."

"Your practice is odious enough..."

So you've said.

[Truth is truth independent from me (Ac 5:29, Mt 15:9).] "Unintentional irony just runs with you, doesn't it?"

This is a concept. Do with it what you will (Pr 18:2)--or talk about me all day.

[For not liking people who derail threads, :freak: you sure derail threads a lot (Prov. 21:20, Jn 5:20).] "Not really..."

It's all S.O.D.'s fault (Pr 18:6).

"You'll get over it eventually. And until you do you'll understand, given your remarks about my spiritual standing..."

That's the point.  You lack reverence and awe for the Holy Spirit.  S.O.D. and I agree--what sprit-filled believer would take the truth of Eph 5:18 and respond in that way?  Pr 10:8,14; Ec 10:12

"I give your valuations the old hoo-ha..."

I've noticed.  You don't need to impress me.  You do need to have a right relationship with God (Ho 11:4).

 Gen. 49:6; Ex. 33:15, 16; Ex. 34:13–15 [Deut. 31:16, 17.] Ex. 34:16; Num. 25:1–8; Josh. 23:12, 13; Ezra 6:21, 22; Ezra 9:14; Psa. 6:8; Psa. 26:4, 5; Psa. 50:18; Psa. 102:7 vs. 6–8.; Prov. 28:19 Prov. 12:11. Prov. 29:24; 1 Cor. 5:11; 1 Cor. 15:33; 2 Pet. 2:18, 19; 2 Pet. 3:17 

[Help Isa 6:9] "I don't know that that would make a difference (Prov. 29:20).] "I suspect it wouldn't.

2 Chr. 36:15, 16; Psa. 95:8–11 Heb. 3:8, 15; 4:7. Prov. 1:24–31; Prov. 29:1; Rev. 9:20, 21

[TH quote: "You're as mysterious to me as a Burma-Shave ad, but thanks anyway."] "Yes. I wrote that."

You aren't interested in dialogue. As is typical of the Leftist, you are open-minded--as long as others agree with you (Eccl 10:2). If they don't, you'd like to silence them .
“Make it an infraction worthy offense to post more than twice in a row outside of a thread you create (TH).”

“Have you ever considered removing the non subscribers ability to delete posts?” TH

[ Truth is truth independent from me (Ac 5:29, Mt 15:9).  This is a concept.] 

"Again, I wasn't even thinking about you, let alone talking about you until you pulled the old foot stamp routine and declaration in lieu of fact or argument..."

You don't like my style. Are you interested in making an argument for your worldview?

[It's all S.O.D.'s fault (Pr 18:6).] "Nah. You made your own choices. They're just nothing new."

We aren't here to discuss me. We are here to discuss religion and politics.

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Idea - force people that are arguing personally across at least 3 threads - into their own battle thread (like one on one but for attack battles), where they can hash it out without interference from other posters!"

Ban all members who are unable to multitask. Take a small sliver of their brain and sent it in for testing.

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[B]ut you've already demonstrated your willingness to see and say anything that suits your personal spite..."

So you've said.

"...which is why I noted you resemble Sod..."

I've had several black eyes, too.

"...who uses the Holy and puts himself in the judgment seat..."

We know. You love Hilary Clinton's favorite bible verse "Do not judge..." (Enyart). Lk 6:37. You may want to do another study on that verse.

We are commanded to judge rightly (
Pr 31:9).

"...[T]o advance personal animus..."

You made it clear that you do not care to know what motivates me? 2 Cor 5:11

"It's a sad thing to see in anyone professing to love Christ and I never do it and never will, even in return..."

"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart

"You seem to think that if you slap enough scriptural references around a thing it justifies whatever point you want to twist it into..."

You're projecting again (2 Co 2:17). Too bad you're stuck on stupid (2 Pe 3:16).

"...I'm finding you wanting."


"...[Y]ou say all sorts of things but you almost never back them with anything supportive."

Let the reader decide.

"I think you're spiteful and small..."

Got it.

"...[Y]ou do realize you just used a quote tag without actually quoting me, no?"

I quote you exactly.

"Are you interested in being taken seriously..."

"...You haven't even evidenced that you read my short responses here..."

"...[Y]ou don't appear to be here to discuss anything..."

"...You're only venting that pettiness..."

"...I noted..."

Eccl 10:14

[Hillary's biblical illiteracy] "I love scripture. I don't care whose favorite verse it was."

We are to judge rightly (Pr 31:9).

"You might want to broaden your understanding of accusing a member of the Body."

S.O.D. has judged rightly (Pr 31:9).

"..I made it clear what I think of your actions..."


"...[A]nd what that says about you, sadly."

Got it.

"...I guess once you've failed to meet a single challenge or rebut rebuttal..."

Let the reader decide.

"...and you've declared someone else's faith void..."

S.O.D. stated his belief (Jude 1:12) and I replied that I believe he may be right.  You are hostile toward believers (Gen. 26:27,Ec 7:9, Pr 18:6).

"...[A]ll that's left is name calling..."

You're projecting again (Eze 33:31,32; Mt 23:3; Ro 2:17-23, 8:33).

"Sod is better than you at this too. He puts more heart into it."

Good (Ps 5:11)

"...[Y]ou've already failed to support a spate of charges beyond declaring them in this very thread..."

Let the reader decide.

"...That's about what I expected from you..."

Umm Hmm

"...When you've got nothing..."

Uh huh

"...[Y]ou can't make something out of it..."

That's interesting.

A few housekeeping items:

() If not otherwise noted, is an abbreviation for ad hominem; () an abbreviation for "facts, just the facts, ma'am," etc.

Suggestions on how we might give TOL a boost?