Swine Flu Vaccine: Not For My Kids
When we read stories like: "Obama Science Czar’s Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply Already Happening" it is logical not to trust your government:
"Shocking proposals to mass sterilize the population by artificially medicating municipal water supplies, which were outlined by President Obama’s top science czar in his 1977 book Ecoscience, are already in effect as global sperm counts drop and gender-bending chemicals pollute our rivers and lakes...alongside John P. Holdren’s advocacy for a global planetary regime to enforce forced abortion, government `seizure of children born out of wedlock, and mandatory bodily implants designed to prevent pregnancy, Obama’s top advisor also called for,” Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods.”" full text: http://www.doomdaily.com/2009/obama-science-czar%E2%80%99s-plan-to-sterilize-population-through-water-supply-already-happening/
Regarding the swine flu vaccine, Generation X-Pose wrote on their site:
"The "prevention" of a disease through vaccination is, in reality, an inability to expel organisms due to the suppression of the cell-mediated response. Thus, rather than preventing disease; they actually prevent the disease from ever being resolved by suppressing the bodies natural immune system which can actually lead to more serious side effects. The brain and spinal cord can also be attacked with auto-antibodies leading to a variety of neurological diseases. The most severe of these, leading to death, are sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and most cases of "shaken baby syndrome." Such neurological conditions include, but are not limited to minimal brain dysfunction, ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, mental retardation, criminal behavior, the spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders (including autism), multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's disease, Guillen Barre', seizure disorders, etc..." full text: http://worstgenerationseed.blogspot.com/2007/10/truth-about-vaccines.html
Also see:
Under The Radar Media: Do not take a swine flu vaccine
Flu Shot: Permanently Disables Washington Redskins Cheerleader with Neurological Disorder
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Nothing like a pandemic to bring the crazy out of the woodwork."
Swine Flu Vaccine:
Not For My Kids!