TOL Still Rocks
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "TOL is the online equivalent of Speakers corner [London Hyde Park] and I preach there myself [not so much lately] so I know."
Me too.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "TOL has become an ongoing tapestry which began when Knight set up the loom. Today, the variety of design makes this a wondrous place indeed."
aren't known for your appreciation of individual characteristics and
The same God that made the bunny rabbit also made the shark. Not all people are
not persuaded by Precious Moments style of argumentation.
"Well! Not only are you a knob-headed booby, but, you are also a harridan of some repute."
Ad hominem
"To show love as a witness of the indwelling Holy Spirit..."
"...[Y]ou are known by your sly, petulant, sideways dagger slices!"
"Try to be civil in the face of incivility. This is a test."
Lev. 19:15-16,
Rom. 1:29-30
Response to comment [from a
Christian]: "Consider yourself lucky being called a "knob-headed booby" my
friend, as the foul mouthed leader of TOL's version of the Gray Panthers called
me a sack of excrement elsewhere."
"God had given you one face, and you make yourself
another." ~ Shakespeare
Mt 12:34
"Being the kind, sensitive individual that you are..."
Here come her pagan reinforcements.
Josh 24:15
Response to comment [from other]: [Isa 8:20] "Oh, you are her reinforcement now..."
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:[God uses the Jeremiahs and the Ezekiels Isa 8:20] "Getting back to the purpose of this thread..."
It has served
its purpose (Isa
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You and Tot both preach at Hyde's Corner? Have you met?"
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Still on MySpace..."
You would be.