TOL isn't TOL anymore...


Response to comment [from other]: " I'm out.  aCW/aSCON is openly protected by the mods who believe us picking on him..."


He's banned all of the time. You're still not happy? You need a relaxing facial. We just want you to be happy.



"...[W]hile his insults, lies and generally bad behaviour..."


He opposes homosexuality (Lev 18:22, 20:13, 1 Ki 14:24, Ro 1:24, 26, 27).

"It's a good thing." ~ Martha Stewart


"...If this is the direction you want TOL to take, then I say, you sold out Knight.... shame on you.  See ya on the flip side!"


Don't be so sure. Isa 48:22


Sound Of Music - So Long, Farewell


Response to comment [from other]: "The hate shouldn't be there..."


Truth is hate to those who hate the truth (Enyart). Jn 1:1


Response to comment [from other]: [Wicked video] "...[T]he lyrics seem appropriate..."


What seems appropriate to you is wicked.

You couldn't have chosen a version of this song without Sodomites?

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...Now it seems like there should be a disclaimer when you sign up:

"You have selected a non-Christian faith. Please feel free to post, and we will feel free to inform you of exactly how you will burn in eternal hellfire and why you are the sort of person who deserves it."


You've got it backward as usual. The God-haters have free rein here. Isa 5:20


TOL isn't TOL anymore...