The Big Bang Connection

[The big-bang connection by Dr. Jason Lisle] “I have found that most people who believe in billions of years also believe in the “big-bang theory.” The big bang is a secular speculation about the origin of the universe; it is an alternative to the Bible. The big bang attempts to explain the origin of the universe without God. It can be considered the cosmic equivalent of particles-to-people evolution. Sadly, a lot of Christians have bought into the idea of the big bang, without realizing that it is based on the anti-biblical philosophy of naturalism (there is no God, nature is all there is or ever was). Furthermore, they are generally not aware that the big bang contradicts the Bible on a number of points and has many scientific problems as well.

According to the big bang idea, the universe is nearly 14 billion years old; whereas the Bible indicates that the universe is about 6,000 years old. For those who claim to believe the Bible, this difference alone should be sufficient reason to reject the big bang. It is wrong about the age of the universe by a factor of over two million! But it is not just a problem of time scale; the Bible gives a different order of events than the current secular opinion. The big bang / naturalistic view teaches that stars formed before the earth, fish came about before fruit trees, and the sun came about long before plants. However, the Bible teaches the exact reverse—that the earth came before stars, fruit trees came before fish, and the plants were created before the sun.” Full Text: big-bang connection by Jason Lisle 

"The heavens declare creation and science confirms it.” Jason Lisle

Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "[T]he big bang actually proves that some kind of god does exist..."

Is that what God said happened?  Ge 1:1.

"...[T]he bible only crowd."

Ps 138:8, 1 Cor 1:18.

Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:  [The Bible has a lot to say to us if we are willing to listen. You claim to have the word of God; yet, respond viscerally to it (1 Pet. 1:23).]  "Viscerally? You sure you are thinking about what you are posting? There's no emotional basis to my position."

"YEC promoters like Morris are despised by rational Christians...(Alate_One)."  Are you the "rational" Christian that despises those who trust God's word? 

2 Cor 13:5.

[On what basis do you claim to be better off than the atheist (atheist: lit. without God [without God, without Christ, without hope]).] "So, because I don't agree with your interpretation of Genesis . . . I'm an atheist?" 

I asked on what basis you consider yourself better off than the atheist?

"Why do you ask for more than God does?"

God asks you to believe. 

"BELIEVE— to place one’s trust in God’s truth; one who takes God at His word and trusts in Him for salvation.
Mere assent to God’s truth is not saving faith, according to the Bible (John 8:31–46; Acts 8:13–24; James 2:14–26). Neither is total commitment of oneself to Jesus as Lord a form of saving faith. Such a view places too much emphasis on the act of belief, as opposed to the object of belief—Jesus Christ. This view also goes beyond the biblical evidence of faith as reception of a gift (John 4:1–42; Eph. 2:8–10).
A belief that saves is one that rests in the finished work of Christ; it trusts God alone for salvation (John 3:16). Believers are those who have trusted God with their will as well as their mind (Rom. 1:16; 3:22; 1 Thess. 1:7). Additional references dealing with belief, or faith, are Gen. 15:6; Ex. 14:31; Hab. 2:4; John 3:36; Acts 16:31; Rom. 3:21–5:1; Gal. 2:16, 20; and 1 John 5:1."
Youngblood, Ronald F. ; Bruce, F. F. ; Harrison, R. K. ; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Nashville : T. Nelson, 1995

"You think a global flood, the age of the earth, YECism in general is the "message of the cross"? SD, you are seriously confused as to what Christianity is actually about."

Christianity is about believing God and his word.  For this they willfully forget, that there were heavens from of old, and an earth compacted out of water and amidst water, by the word of God (2 Pe 3:5).  The word of God, which also works in you who believe (1 Th 2:13).

When do you start believing the Bible?

"Do you believe the sun "hurries back to where it rises" or not?"

Do you still have a problem with these verses?

"I don't, I never did."

Why did you bring these verses up if they were not a concern?

"You never answered."

I provided you a link

"I was asking what you believe about them...And you cut and pasted all the answers. Care to think/write for yourself?"

The commentaries that I linked regarding the passages you brought up may all be wrong. I asked for your hermeneutic earlier.

At any rate, you'd still like my opinion when you claim it is flawed and troublesome?--You seemingly rejected the commentaries of people far more reputable: J. Vernon McGee, John MacArthur, Charles Stanley--and all this time these Bible verses are not a problem for you? Why did you bring them up?

The Big Bang Connection