Teach the Lost—Look to the Stars

Looking for some creative ideas for evangelizing family, friends, and coworkers? The Bible says that the heavens are a ready-made platform for declaring the glory of God and showing His handiwork (Psalm 19:1).

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Learn how to use a telescope and teach others.
  • Host a small-group Bible study in your church or home using astronomy-related creationist DVDs and study material.
  • Bring others to the planetarium at the Creation Museum, where visitors tour the universe from a creationist’s perspective.
  • Give out witnessing booklets on astronomy, such as What Does the Bible Say about Astronomy? Are ETs and UFOs Real? and The Bible and Astronomy.
  • Purchase extra copies of this special astronomy issue to give to others, including libraries, doctor’s offices, family members, and coworkers.
  • Get equipped with the facts by taking an online course, such as “Creation Apologetics and Astronomy” offered by Answers in Genesis.

Visit www.answersingenesis.org/cec/courses for more information on online courses.
