N.Y. mayor decries 'terror gap' in U.S. gun laws
NY mayor
Bloomberg says that we should close the "Terror Gap" and take the guns. (I thought we couldn't use the word terror with the word Islam in the same
sentence according to the Obama administration
those with a "Christian identity" and "Constitution defenders" are on the
terrorist list (Re 13:17). [Joint Terrorism Task Force]
You see nothing wrong with taking guns from Christians and defenders of the Constitution? Lk 22:36.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Bloomberg] "He's inventing his own facts so naturally he's going to come to some very peculiar conclusions."
If I didn't protect my city,
I'd probably want you think about something else, too.
Bloomberg had to remind New
Yorkers not to persecute Pakistanis as they were surely planning to do--they're
all racist, bigots
so a reminder was in order.
N.Y. mayor decries
'terror gap' in U.S. gun laws