The Apostle's Creed
[Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries Mike Gendron] "On
a recent
radio broadcast with Brannon Howse, I was asked
if the
Apostle's Creed is an acceptable standard for
determining who is a Christian
and who is not.
I said the Apostle's Creed is deficient in determining the Christian
faith because it does not include the complete Gospel nor does it call
for repentance. Only the Gospel is the power of God for salvation to all
who believe. Roman Catholics and Protestants can believe every part of
the Apostle's Creed and still be lost. This is because the creed does
not mention salvation by grace alone, the substitutionary atonement, or
the sufficiency of Christ to save sinners completely and forever. These
are important distinctions because proponents of the ecumenical movement
are using the ancient creeds as a basis for
unity between Catholics and Christians. To use
any creed as a marker for who is a true Christian is to compromise the
integrity of the Gospel and how people respond to it. One of the best
messages I have heard on what it means to be a Christian - a new
Creature in Christ is available
here. You will also be blessed by the notes
There are many who believe the Apostle's Creed but could not agree on
all of the following characteristics of a Christian: One who was chosen
by the Father, redeemed by the Son, born of the Spirit, justified by
faith, sanctified by truth, purified by blood, saved by grace, forgiven
through repentance, delivered from darkness, made alive in Christ, set
free from bondage, guaranteed an inheritance, promised eternal life,
protected by the Good Shepherd and called to be holy. A Christian is a
member of the Body of Christ who lovingly submits to the supreme
authority of Jesus and His Word. Let us all stand firm on the eternal
truths of God's Word for the glory of Jesus!"
Response to comment [from other]: "Jesus Christ never said for you to preach anything!"
Mk 16:15