The Coming Universal Caliphate
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [W]hat is the solution?
Christianity is
growing more (Mt
We share the word of God (2
Ti 3:15).
"Is it merely a problem of a failure of assimilation or are Muslims inherently unassimilatable?"
No, they
are not "unassimilatable".
They are difficult (Ge
Ga 5:9)--like you are
difficult (Matt.
Ga 5:9).
"Or is there truly a great culture clash ahead of us?"
We are in a clash of civilizations (Ge
16:12). Have you been living under a rock?
Isa 2:2;
Eze 17:22-24;
Da 2:34,35;
Hab 2:14.
"Not in Europe. It's dying there."
I'm speaking of
worldwide. Despite your Church's perversion
of the gospel of grace (Ga
1:6-8, 5:9, Mt 16:18),
Christ's church continues to grow (Ac
11:24, Mt 16:18).