The Execution of Eddie Slovik
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "What did the US military have to gain from his execution?"
Enforcing the law.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The OT law allowed soldiers to "desert" if they were afraid to..."
"...and that was in divinely ordained holy wars."
So-called holy wars are not
The Story of Gideon and his Three
Hundred Soldiers
"We've gone from General Patton to
patent leather." ~ Michael Savage
Gen. 13:13, 1 Co 6:9, 2 Pe 2:6
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "He wanted to discontinue the job he was forced into..."
The military has a Uniform Code of Justice. That's a good thing.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Where are you getting that from the Bible? Does the Bible support forcing people to slave for the military?"
An Army
Ranger friend tells me desertion
laws need to remain in effect if
nothing else--to deter others from
thinking of doing the same.
Go hug a
"I'm not a tree-hugger or a liberal at all."
What other laws in the Uniform Code of Military
Justice are inappropriate to your mind?
You prefer Sodomites defend our nation?
Gen. 13:13, 1 Co 6:9, 2 Pe 2:6
What do words like
honor and
loyalty mean to you?
Mt 8:9, Ac 10:7
"If right is morally right, it would be Slovik's supporters who are "right" here, not his enemies."
My Army Ranger friend believes
this man should have been charged with desersion.
Obama releases
Talaban terrorists for his return.
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10.
We are permitted to die to self.
"Jn 18:36.
Jesus answered,
My kingdom is not of this world—He
does not say “not over,” but “not of this world”—that is, in its
origin and nature; therefore “no such kingdom as need give thee or
thy master the least alarm.”
if my kingdom were of this world, then
would my servants fight, that I
should not be delivered to the Jews—“A very convincing argument; for
if His servants did not fight to prevent their King from being
delivered up to His enemies, much less would they use force for the
establishment of His kingdom” [WEBSTER and WILKINSON]." Jamieson,
R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and
Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Vol. 2, p. 164). Oak Harbor, WA:
Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Your such a tard."
Do you have an argument to make Dr. Bumbley?