The GOP Path to Prosperity
"[The GOP Path to Prosperity by Paul Ryan] "...Our budget
offers the nation a model of government that is guided by the timeless
principles of the American idea: free-market democracy, open competition, a
robust private sector bound by rules of honesty and fairness, a secure safety
net, and equal opportunity for all under a limited constitutional government of
popular consent.
We can reform government so that people don't have to reorient their lives for
less. We can grow our economy, promote opportunity, and encourage upward
mobility. This budget is the new House majority's answer to history's call..."
Full text:
The GOP Path to Prosperity
How do you believe America will react to
Paul Ryan's plan?
"So now the way to prosperity is to destroy schools, destroy health care, and destroy infrastructure..."
What does government run well?
"My local schools are run very well..."
Has throwing money at education helped?
"...the roads are in reasonable shape, the fire and police respond as they should. Does it all cost $? Yep. .."
Do you acknowledge that we are in a fiscal crisis? If so, where do you believe we should cut? Would you like to see a plan from Obama?
"As to the Rethuglican plan hurting the poor and handicapped---they don't care...[Y]ou can add the medically infirm elderly to the scrap heap as well..."
I believe they'd like to throw them all
off of a cliff--that is the Republican plan.
"...The poor and handicapped do not add to corporate bottom lines..."
Do you think unions are too powerful?
"The Tea Party is built on bigotry and fear..."
Do you believe some people groups
"evolved" more than others?
Ac 17:26.
"...[f]ear of "The Other", fear that America will lose its preeminent place in the world...."
Would you like to see America loose her preeminence in the world? Do you think American values (The American Trinity: found on any coin in your pocket: 'In God we Trust', Liberty and E pluribus unum, Latin for 'out of many, one' [Prager]) are better than the rest of the world?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...I'm having a hard time swallowing that at the same time corporations and the wealthy should get a tax cut. This makes no sense to me..."
History shows us that tax cuts pay for themselves.
Response to comment [from other]: [Tax cuts pay for themselves] "Way too simplistic."
Simply proven.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Some tax cuts do indeed pay for themselves..."
Tax rates and revenues are
not the same thing.
Tax Rates vs Tax Revenues, Part 2: The Laffer Curve
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...It's just more rhetoric. No substantial changes will be made."
What changes would you make? Do you believe that