The Handwriting on the Wall: Lessons from Daniel Chapter 5 on the future of America and the coming war in the Middle East


[The Handwriting on the Wall: Lessons from Daniel Chapter 5 on the future of America and the coming war in the Middle East by Joel Rosenberg] "Lessons from Daniel Chapter 5 on the future of America and the coming war in the Middle East

“Is America in a ‘Nebuchadnezzar moment’ (where we still have an opportunity to repent and be restored), or a ‘Belshazzar moment’ (where God removes His favor from us and turns out the lights)?”

[Text of remarks prepared for delivery; see conference video for final presentation]

“The Pastor and the Future” — that’s what I’ve been asked to speak about tonight, and I cannot think of a more important subject to close this conference. You and I are living in one of the most dangerous moments in the history of the United States….in the history of Israel and the Middle East….in the history of the Church. Yet at this very moment when so many people are so anxious about the future, too many pastors are shying away from teaching Bible prophecy.

•Some, because prophecy has been sensationalized in the past and they rightly resist such cheapening of God’s Holy Word.
•Some, because they’ve never really carefully studied Bible prophecy and feel unprepared to teach it to their congregations.
•Some, because they’ve lost sight of the power of prophecy – prophecy is an intercept from the mind of the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful God….prophecies are storm warnings from the future….not to frighten us but to motivate us – to get us ready for what is coming, and to help get others ready…..prophecy is given to encourage and exhort the Church to repentance….to holiness and purity….to prayer and fasting….to sharing the Gospel and making disciples….to pastor training and church planting….prophecy tells us we are going to be shaken….why?….to wake up the Church….to wake up the nations….to wake up Israel….because the Day of the Lord is coming, and surely it is near….and God love us and He wants us to be ready.

Luke 12:54-56, Jesus rebuked His disciples for not understanding the Word of God and not analyzing the times in which they lived….which is why it is so important that we close this conference by considering “The Pastor and the Future.” So, turn with me, if you would, to Daniel chapter 5. [Read the entire chapter]

What do we see in Daniel chapter 5?

5:1-2 – A pagan nation at the height of its power, and corruption.

5:3-4 – A pagan government and high society drunk with power and consumed with seeking pleasure of all kinds….worshipping the gods of gold and silver and all things material….what do we see in the king’s court?

•Sexual immorality.
•Greed and materialism.
•No care or concern for their history of sin and God’s judgment.
•No remembrance of God’s grace and mercy for those who repent..." Full text:
The Handwriting on the Wall: Lessons from Daniel Chapter 5 on the future of America and the coming war in the Middle East


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "We're at a "false dilemma moment".


We've been blessed as a nation (Ge 12:3). Even the crumbs from his table are good (Mt 15:27). This is more about Israel (Gen. 15:5, 13; 25:23; 26:4; 27:28, 29, 40; 48:19; 49; Deut. 33). Swanson, James ; Nave, Orville: New Nave's. Oak Harbor : Logos Research Systems, 1994


Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Prophecy] "...It is about Israel. God will bring the armies of the world against Israel in tribulation. For the purpose of purging the evil before they are restored. America has no bearing on it."


We are working to make ourselves irrelevant.

Israel feels surrounded by her enemies on all sides (as was the case in '67). Even their so-called friends (us ) tell the enemy of their plans.
Thanks Panetta.

[Israel, Prophecy and the "Day of the Lord": Understanding the Book of Joel — Part One by Joel Rosenberg] "...What is the “Day of the Lord” and is it different from the “last days”?

The “last days” is the Biblical term describing the period of time filled with prophetic events of signs and wonders that lead up to the Rapture of the Church, the period between the Rapture and the Tribulation, and the Tribulation itself, all of which build towards the Second Coming. The last days – characterized by wars, rumors of wars, revolutions, natural disasters, the rise of false messiahs/prophets/teachers, apostasy, lawlessness, persecution of the believers, the spread of the gospel to all nations, the rebirth of Israel, and similar signs described in the Bible – are a time of great trauma for the world as well as God’s mercy, for the Bible indicates that many will come to faith in Jesus Christ during the last days.

The “Day of the Lord” is the Biblical term describing the culmination of the last days of world history as we have known it — specifically, it refers to the actual, physical, literal Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the time when Jesus Christ wins the Battle of Armageddon and the Battle of Jerusalem and then His feet literally touch down on the Mount of Olives, splitting the mountain into two, as foretold by the Prophet Zechariah. The Day of the Lord is described throughout the Scriptures as a day of darkness, gloom, distress and judgment for the nations. The Day of the Lord sets into motion the setting up of the Millennial Kingdom in which Jesus Christ will reign from a new Temple in Jerusalem for a literal 1,000 year period, as described in the Book of Revelation..." Full text: Israel, Prophecy and the "Day of the Lord":
Understanding the Book of Joel — Part One

Also see:

Ezekiel 38-39 Facts by Joel Rosenberg


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "And making oneself relevant is a good thing?"


Of course. God gave government to do good for people. We come to liberate and spread the cause of freedom. They come to steal, kill and destroy (Jn 10:10). Can you name one Islamic boarder that isn't bloody?


[Government given by God] "Don't let the "the-government-is-too-big-and-does-too-much" crowd hear you say that..."


Not theft in the name of Jesus government. Government is to protect it's citizens and sometimes go to war to restrain evil (Ec 3:8).


[Defending freedom] "And if those we're "liberating" prefer to live under a dictatorial regime?"


It is the Left of the world that hates America (Eccl 10:2).


[Arabs] "You have my permission to exterminate them."


We share the truth with them. Many in that region come to faith in Christ. Care Foundation, for example, is helping to heal people in Afghanistan in the name of Jesus.


[Government] "Just restrain it? Not slaughter it and dance on its putrefying corpse?"


We are to be salt and light.  Salt preserves the world from putrefaction (Mt 5:13).


"'Government' doesn't know how to have fun."


Eze 18:32, Ps 68:30


[It is the Left of the world that hates America (Eccl 10:2).] "You have my permission to exterminate them."


They're going down. You're one of them (Ps 14:1).
"The "many" who "come to faith" is vanishingly small compared to the many more who refuse and insist on praying to the wrong deity."


True (Mt 7:14).


"From the standpoint of arithmetic, extermination is a far more efficient use of effort and resources.  It's also more fun."


Israel knows how to fight (2 Sa 22:35).   


Sidebar: I'm waiting for your interview. Are you an exterminator by chance?


Response to comment [from other]: "Can you name one American Canadian border that's not bloody? Never mind."


We get along fine with Canada--other than that whole Keystone Pipeline thing. We're so chummy--I for one wouldn't mind swapping their Prime Minister for our President if there was a way to make that happen. But, he's on his way to China next week to do business with people who will do business.


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The great and awesome "Day of the Lord" is judgment."


Yep (Re 16:14).


"What interview?"


Quincy is doing interviews of all the members. You've been asked to participate. TOLers want to know your innermost thoughts.

I've been banned from that particular thread for "thread hijacking". I'm apparently the Achmed of the TOL community.


[Are you an exterminator? :think:] "Nope, it's a deliberate, willful, completely arbitrary decision on my part."


Oh. Well, you missed your calling.


"Do you feel pity for all the ants upon whose hills I've dumped boiling water or poison?"



[Terrorists] "Do you feel pity for all the yellow jackets into whose burrows I've poured gasoline and subsequently dropped a lit match?"

Ants and yellow jackets don't have souls but people do (Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9). How can you look at a spider and not believe there is a hell? Job 8:14.

I don't disagree with your "nuke them all" idea by the way. When you go to war you go to win. One day it will come to that (
Mt 24:22).

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." ~ Patton, (1970)

"...[D]o you feel pity for all the people to whom I've said "No! Now go away!" when they've approached me and asked for help?"

I wouldn't expect any other reaction from you (Eze 36:26).

[Kill zem.  Kill zem all. ] "I'd be all too happy to fire the first volley in that fight, because a second volley wouldn't be necessary."

We share the good news (Mk 16:15) and the bad news (Jn 8:24).

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Christian Zionist, head filled with the thoughts of an aide to Benjamin Netanyahu. A microcosm of much of the church."

No one is coming to help.

"...It seems like a safe bet, therefore, that Europe would not raise a hand to help protect Israel against attack. But would the U.S.?" Full text:
Ezekiel 38-39 Facts by Joel Rosenberg

[No one comes to Israel’s defense] "No one? Works for me...."


The Antidote to Anti-Semitism by J. Vernon McGee

"Ok, I saw it. What's your point?"

Please don't take it wrong when I tell you that I believe that Cam, while a very nice guy, is the Devil (Aaron Altman, Broadcast News).

Response to comment [from a Christian]: "There is no prophecy regarding the USA in the Bible..."

This sounds like us:

All the men in your confederacy
Shall force you to the border;
The men at peace with you
Shall deceive you and prevail against you.
Those who eat your bread shall lay a trap for you.
No one is aware of it (
Ob 7).

The Handwriting on the Wall: Lessons from Daniel Chapter 5 on the future of America