The Lie Evolution:  Christianity is Under Attack


[An excerpt Christianity Is Under Attack by Ken Ham] "...On the whole, society is becoming more anti-Christian. We are seeing steady increases in homosexuality, support for abortion on demand, unwillingness to obey authorities, unwillingness to work, marriage being abandoned, clothing being abandoned, an increase in pornography, and an increase in lawlessness, to name but a few areas. Christians are fighting for their freedom even in so-called “Christian” nations...

Years ago, our society was based on Christian absolutes. People knew what was right and what was wrong. Behaviors such as sexual deviancy, easy divorce, public lawlessness, abortion on demand, pornography, and public nudity were considered to be wrong. Varying punishments for offenders were meted out by society. Value judgments were basically built on biblical principles (for example, the Ten Commandments). Most people accepted or respected a belief in God.

Recently more and more people have rejected the God of the Bible. As belief in God has been abandoned, people have questioned the basis of the society in which they live. For instance, if there is no God, then why should they obey the Ten Commandments? Why should anyone say that homosexuality is wrong? Why should women be barred from having abortions whenever they desire? Once people eliminated God from their consciences, they set about to change any laws based on Christian absolutes that held God as Creator (and thus owner) of everything.

Christian absolutes have been diluted or removed as the basis of society and replaced with a world view that says, “We do not have to accept that the Christian way of doing things (basing our world and life view on biblical principles) is the only way; we must tolerate all religious beliefs and ways of life.” However, this “tolerance” really means an intolerance of the absolutes of Christianity..."
Christianity is Under Attack by Ken Ham.


Response to comment [from other]:  "...[A]re upset that intolerant religious folks such as yourself are not being tolerated?"


No.  It's simply a reality (Ex 23:2).  Most people are going to hell (Mt 7:14).  Christians would like people to choose to live (Jn 10:10, Deut 30:19).


Response to comment [from a Muslim]:  "Maybe they're willing to risk hell before they stomach you. Just imagine then how repulsive you must be."


How wude (Jar Jar).

The Lie Evolution: Christianity is Under Attack