The Most Handsome Man
Response to comment: "What an embarrassment the supposed Christian women are to their God and their earthly husband to participate in a thread like this.....shame."
A wife should only have eyes for her
Blessed are the pure in heart, for
they will see God (Mt 5:8).
I have made a covenant with my eyes;
Why then should I look upon a young
woman? Job 31:1.
Daniel, purposed in his heart not to
defile himself (Dan 1:8).
Response to comment [from : "5 Solas and the other women who have posted here aren't being abusive toward their husbands, nor am I, nor are any of us thinking of doing untoward things with the men in the pics posted. Criminies, a good number of them have passed away. If you wish to turn this into something dirty, have at it, but that was never our thoughts or intentions."
I know.
Response to comment [from other]: "There is nothing wrong with noticing another person's outer beauty."
If you are
"noticing" for too long, there is
something wrong with that (Jas