The "Or" Thread
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Rambo or Rocky?"
Rocky. Gordon Gekko or Donald Trump?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Europe or Asia?"
Asia. McGruff or Rauf
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Sports car or Pickup Truck?"
Sports car. POTUS or Pol Pot?
Subway® or sushi
Response to
comment [from a Catholic]:
Newspaper or toilet paper?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Mexican or Greek (Food)."
Mexican. Day laborer or Day-Timer®?
Big government or Big Mac®?
Housing bubble or Scrubbing Bubble®?
Nancy Pelosi or Fiji Mermaid?
Margaret Sanger or Margaret Thatcher?
Church or golf?
Wool cap or wool suit?
M & M® or Eminem?
Time and chance (evolution) or not a chance (creation)?
101 Czars or 101 Dalmatians?
Where's the beef or where's the birth certificate?
Global warming or global sinning?
Burqua or Burberry?
Highway improvement or highway robbery?
Gym shorts or Jim Beam?
Hugo Chavez or Hugo Boss?
Shades of gray or black and white?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "SD, please stop."
At least wait until someone responds to your posts.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "SD you are supposed to answer one question and then pose another so that some other poster answers it. The idea is not to post as many questions as possible."
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "New York Giants or San Francisco Giants?"
New York Giants
"OK, after you
answer, you have to ask a new question. That's how it keeps going. It doesn't
have to match the previous subject, it can be anything."
I already asked too many.
it's like Whac-A-Mole--I can't keep up.
...switching to linear mode
"I think he's talking to you."
~ Homer Simpson
Ok. Big government or Big Mac®?
Response to comment [from other]: "Death. Cluedo or Scrabble?"
Donut or scone?
Dr. Laura or Dr. Freud?