The evidence confirms a
young universe
[The evidence confirms a young universe by Jason Lisle] "Even now, the scientific evidence is very consistent with what the Bible teaches about the age of the universe. Why then do many secular scientists believe that the evidence points to a multi-billion-year-old universe? People who believe in the big bang generally interpret the evidence according to the big bang (sometimes without even realizing it). In other words, they simply assume that the big bang is true and they interpret the evidence to match their beliefs. We all interpret the evidence in light of our worldview; there is no getting around it. However, the Bible can also be used to interpret the evidence. Since the Bible records the true history of the universe, we will see that it makes a lot more sense of the evidence than the big bang does. Let us now look at some facts about the universe. We will see that the evidence is consistent with 6,000 years, but doesn’t make as much sense if we hold to the big bang.
Of course, big-bang supporters can always reinterpret the evidence by adding on
extra assumptions, so, these facts that follow are not intended to “prove” that
the Bible is right about the age of the universe. The Bible is right in all
matters because it is the Word of God. However, when we understand the
scientific evidence, we will find that it agrees with what the Bible teaches.
The evidence is certainly consistent with a “young” (roughly 6,000-year-old)
universe." The evidence confirms a young universe, Lisle.
“The heavens declare creation and science confirms it.” Jason Lisle
Response to comment [from other]: "You keep posting the same thing over and over?"
Would you like to discuss the
facts and interpretation of those
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Tell us again how a universe billions of light years across is not only consistent with, but confirmation of, a 6000 year age."
This thread is about extra
scoops of ice cream.