They want your organs
All New Yorkers Become Organ Donors
"Assemblyman Brodsky Introduces Bill That Would Give State
The Right To Decide If You Are To Give The Gift Of Life
If Passed In Albany, Law Would Be First Of Its Kind In The United States...
"Overseas, 24 nations have it. Israel has it. Others have it. And it works
without a lot of controversy," Brodsky said.
Story Re 13:17
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Sounds good."
Should the state or the individual decide where his/her organs go?
[Sounds good. I'd like to have his gall.] You're entirely humorless, aren't you, Serpent?
You may be right. I did miss your little joke
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "We should have the right to decide."
Ok, now I know I'm not in a
Twilight Zone episode.
This is still planet earth, right?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "They can have my organs after I am dead."
It depends on what the meaning of "dead" is.
It's time to spread the organs around.
Why are you such a racist? Do you hate organ registrants?