Thinking Twice About Sola Scriptura
Guess you'll need
Ps 138:2 to go away. Get
yourself into a Bible believing church. Roman Catholics teach error (Jude
Three Things That You Cannot Learn in School by Adrian
Rogers (MP3 right click and 'save target as' to download)
[From: Scripture, Tradition, and
Rome, Part 2 by John MacArthur]: "...[i]t is not hard to understand why in
recent years Catholic apologists have attacked sola Scriptura with a vengeance.
If they can topple this one doctrine, all the Reformers' other points fall with
it. For under the Catholic system, whatever the Church says must be the standard
by which to interpret all Scripture.
Tradition is the "true" Scripture, written in the heart of the Church. The
Church--not Scripture written in "documents and records"--defines the truth
about justification by faith, veneration of saints, transubstantiation, and a
host of other issues that divided the Reformers from Rome.
To put it another way, if we accept the voice of the Church as infallibly
correct, then what Scripture says about these questions is ultimately
irrelevant. And in practice this is precisely what happens. To cite but one
example, Scripture very plainly says, "There is one God, and one mediator also
between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (1
Tim. 2:5). Nonetheless, the Catholic Church
insists that Mary is her Son's "co-mediatrix." And in the eyes of millions of
Catholics, what the Church says is seen as the final and authoritative Word of
First Timothy 2:5 is thus
nullified by Church tradition.
If Rome can prove her case against sola Scriptura, she overturns all the
arguments for the Reformation in one fell swoop. If she can establish her
tradition as an infallible authority, no mere biblical argument would have any
effect against the dictates of the Church..." Full text:
Scripture, Tradition, and Rome, Part 2 by John
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "First, don't even bother..."
No bother (1
Co 9:17).
"Second, why did you think it necessary to bring back a thread that was last posted on nearly a year ago?"
You said think twice. Is thinking
permitted in your church?
Mk 12:30
"Imposing "John F. MacArthur's Ignorant Misrepresentation of Catholic Teaching" upon the readers here is always a bother."
He is a fine servant of the Lord.
Would you like to prevent people from reading opinions that you disagree with?
Reformation Time Line
[The Remarkable Formation of The One World Religion Proclaiming the Gospel
Ministries. Jul-Sept '07.]: "As the church awaits the glorious return of our
Lord Jesus Christ we are witnessing the formation of a global religious system
that will one day worship the Beast (Rev.
13:12). Jesus warned that a widespread dynamic
deception would be one of the signs of His return to the earth. His word reveals
there will be many false teachers who will prepare an unsuspecting bride for the
anti-Christ. This counterfeit religious system will give her allegiance and
worship to one who will blaspheme God.
There is currently a dialogue among world religious leaders who are seeking
common threads of truth as a basis for unity. As diverse as some religions
appear, there are some common bonds of unity. One is the teaching that salvation
is attained by what men must do for God, instead of what God has already done
for man through His Son. All religions, with the exception of biblical
Christianity, arrogantly deny that salvation is by grace, the unmerited favor of
Several organizations have been working diligently to unite the people of the
world but none as aggressively as the Roman Catholic Church. The Second Vatican
Council made this clear when it stated: The Catholic Church endeavors "to gather
all people and all things into Christ, so as to be for all an inseparable
sacrament of unity... expressed in the common celebration of the Eucharist."
The Vatican has been building strategic bridges to all Christian denominations
and non-Christian religions for the purpose of bringing all people under the
papacy. In a 1998 speech to the leaders of Islam, Pope John Paul declared:
"Dialogue between our two religions (Islam and Catholicism) is more necessary
than ever. There remains a spiritual bond which unites us and which we must
strive to recognize and develop." Later in January of 2002 many of the most
influential religious leaders of the world responded to the pope's invitation to
gather in Assisi, Italy to discuss unity and peace. The pope, whom Catholics
believe is the supreme head of the entire Christian Church, made all the leaders
of non-Christian religions feel comfortable by removing all the images,
crucifixes and icons of Jesus Christ...'They worshiped the dragon, because he
gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, 'Who is
like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him.' " (Rev.
13:4)..." Full text:
The Remarkable Formation of The One World Religion
"Protestants are the ones who insist that all Christian beliefs and practices must come from "the Bible alone" (sola scriptura)."
The Christian is taught by the Holy
Spirit. He brings the words of Christ (Jn 1:1) to remembrance (Jn 14:26) and
guides us into all truth (Jn 14:26; 16:13). Your religion contradicts the word
of God (1 Tim. 6:3–5). Men lie. God does not (Nu 23:19, Ac 5:29).
Roman Catholic Traditions
[Strategy for Christian Unity Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]: "The Vatican
has a well defined and aggressive strategy for uniting all of Christianity under
the papacy. Some of the elements of this master plan are outlined below:
I. Promote the opinion that Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants are all
brothers-in-Christ and therefore must be reunited. This is why the Vatican is
urging all "separated brethren" to come back home to Holy Mother, the Church, to
enjoy the "fullness of salvation." Rome believes the salvation of Protestants
cannot be complete unless and until they receive the transubstantiated Christ in
the Eucharist.
II. Another important part of their strategy is to redefine evangelical terms in
vague and ambiguous words to make them acceptable to both Catholics and
Protestants. This strategy has been used effectively in their recent unity
accords with Evangelicals and Lutherans. They have also been effective in
identifying and seducing highly visible and influential evangelicals to promote
Catholicism as a valid expression of Christianity.
III. The Vatican's strategy also involves exploiting post-modernism and the
emerging church movement, which has gained widespread popularity. These
movements have caused confusion, biblical ignorance and a lack of discernment
within Protestant churches. In turn, these have produced fertile soil for seeds
of deception and compromise to grow. Many who are uncertain of the true Gospel
are easily deceived and willing to embrace the false gospel of Catholicism.
IV. Rome is also encouraging tolerance of all faiths because tolerance unifies
and brings peace, while doctrinal truth divides. Whenever doctrinal truth is
suppressed there can be no distinction between believers and unbelievers. One
example of the Vatican's push for tolerance is seen in a statement from the 1997
accord: The Gift of Salvation. It reads: "All who truly believe in Jesus Christ
are brothers and sisters in the Lord and must not allow their differences,
however important to undermine this great truth." Some of the differences cited
that should never divide Evangelicals and Catholics were listed as: baptismal
regeneration, the Eucharist, sacramental grace, justification, purgatory,
indulgences, Marian devotion, the assistance of the saints in salvation, and the
possibility of salvation for those who have not been evangelized. Clearly, each
of these differences can not be tolerated because they all oppose the Gospel and
bear eternal consequences for those who are on the wrong side of truth..." Full
Strategy for Christian Unity
[John MacArthur is a fine servant of the Lord] " ...or not."
Would you like to address his arguments based on the
word of God?
[Same Story Different Verse by Mike Gendron Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]:
"Rome attempted to reunite Catholics and Protestants in Germany in 1541 but
Martin Luther gave this stern warning: "Popish writers pretend that they have
always taught, what we now teach, concerning faith and good works, and that they
are unjustly accused of the contrary, thus the wolf puts on the sheep skin till
he gains admission in the fold." Three hundred years later another great
preacher warned against unity with the Roman Catholic Church. Charles Spurgeon
said: "There is a deep and indelible sentence of damnation written upon the
apostate church...the curse is registered in heaven...its infamy is engraven in
the rock forever...followers of Jesus, for their own sake as well as for their
Lord's, should oppose it with all their might." The 21st century church needs
more Luthers and Spurgeons to contend earnestly for the faith against the fatal
errors of Catholicism..." Full text:
Same Story Different Verse
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...Men are not saved because of religion, men are saved in spite of religion..."
Are you telling us that the
Eucharist did not get down into your heart back then? Mt 15:17-20.
[Apostasy is Fueling the Push for Unity Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]: "In
spite of the numerous Scriptural warnings of apostasy, many Protestants are
returning "home to Rome." Nearly every documented case of Protestant apostates
who departed to join the Catholic religion, gave one of three reasons. They were
either convinced by some "early church fathers" that Catholicism is true, or
they were compelled to become Catholic in order to marry a Catholic, or they
joined because of pleasurable experience. We have never heard of anyone who
became a Catholic because the Bible convinced them to do it.
Tragically, we seldom hear warnings against apostasy from our pulpits. Rarely
are false teachers who lead people away from the true faith ever exposed.
Apostates, who appear as ministers of righteousness, are facing very little
opposition. They successfully deceive the undiscerning because pastors and
church leaders are not contending against them. Very few Christian leaders are
warning the church of these ferocious wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. The
twenty-first century church needs strong leaders like the apostle Paul. He
warned the early church, "even from your own number men will arise and distort
the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard!
"Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day
with tears" (Acts 20:30-31). Throughout the Scriptures we are exhorted to test
every spirit, every teacher and every doctrine because men are so easily
deceived..." Full text:
Apostasy is Fueling the Push for Unity
"First, why should anyone care about MacArthur's opinion regarding the meaning of the Bible?"
Who cares what John MacArthur says. What does the Bible say?
"Second, I've already addressed his comments here..."
Let the reader decide.
[Mike Gendron] "Don't waste your time..."
I don't waste my time (1
Co 9:17).
You do (Isa
[Two Kinds of Unity Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]: "Doctrine is what
divides the true church from the emerging world religion. The Bible condemns any
unity that is not founded in God's word. False unity is based upon man's
ambitions and is always independent of God (Gen.
11:1-9). This type of unity will be a tool of
the Antichrist (Rev. 17-18). On the other hand, biblical unity is based on
apostolic truth and is a work of the Holy Spirit, not of man (Eph.
1 Cor. 12:13).
One of the greatest dangers to Christianity today is the deliberate suppression
of biblical truth for the sake of unity. The danger intensifies as we see
influential Christian leaders jumping on the Vatican's ecumenical bandwagon.
Instead of warning believers of this false unity, they applaud those who are
creating it. Instead of obeying biblical exhortations to keep the Gospel pure,
they are tolerating those who preach another gospel (Gal.
1:6-9). Rather than hating every false way,
they are allowing the devil's lies to go unabated (Psalm
119:104). Instead of exposing false Christs and
lying spirits they put up with them (2
Cor. 11:4)..." Full text:
Two Kinds of Unity
[Men lie. God does not (Nu 23:19, Ac 5:29)] "Men lie," you say. Why, then, should anyone accept your opinions stated above, or those of Gendron..."
Don't accept my opinion.
Don't accept Gendron's opinion. Don't believe a word we say unless it lines up
with scripture (Ac
[What Are Christians To Do? Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]: "Christians must
not tolerate anyone who willfully misrepresents the character or attributes of
almighty God or His Gospel. A sound and loving rebuke, using scripture, is
necessary to earnestly contend for the faith (Jude
3). To remain silent shows, either an
indifference toward the Lord Jesus, or a greater loyalty to another person or
We are commanded to separate from those who persist in false teaching (Rom.16:17;
Titus 3:10). For some,
this may mean finding another church. For others, it may mean withholding
support from ministries that continue to compromise the Gospel. The apostles
warned us that if we do not separate from false teachers we could either be
disqualified for service, become identified with them and their error, or risk
being partakers of their fate (2
Tim. 2:20;
2 John 10-11;
Jude 11-13)..." Full
What Are Christians To Do?
"Believe whatever you like---It's the Protestant way, after all..."
We believe the Bible (Dan 10:21).
[Common Bonds For Unity Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]
"The True Church
Receives divine revelation from Scripture alone (2 Peter 1:20)
Is called by God their Father, saved by Jesus Christ and sealed and sanctified
by the Holy Spirit (Col. 1:9; Eph. 2:8; 1 Cor. 1:3)
Is saved by God's grace for good works (Eph. 2:8-10)
Is intolerant, believing there is only one way to God (John 14:6)
Is baptized by the Holy Spirit into one body (1 Cor. 12:13)
Is alive in Christ and abides in His word (Rom. 6:11; John 8:31-32)
Contends for the apostles' faith (Jude 3)
Is the Bride of Christ, united in love for the Savior (Rev. 19:7; Jn 13:35)
Will worship and serve the true Christ when He appears in glory (Titus 2:13-15)
Will rejoice in God's peace (Rev. 21:4)
The World Religion
Receives "divine" revelation from demonic sources (1 Tim. 4:1-4)
Is blinded by their father the devil, deceived by false Christs and bonded by
another spirit (2 Cor. 4:4; John 8:44; Rev. 9:20)
Teach they are saved by works, but their works deny God (Titus 1:16)
Is tolerant, believing there are many ways to God
Is ensnared by another Spirit to do his will (2 Tim. 2:24-26)
Is spiritually dead and abides in the world (1 John 2:16)
Seeks common truth among all faiths.
Is the harlot of anti-Christ, united in hatred for the saints (Rev. 17:6) Will
worship and serve a false Christ when he appears in deceit (Rev. 13.12)
Will weep in an eternal fire (Mat. 13:42)..." Full text:
Common Bonds For Unity