Trump is a Lying Child Killer


You've done a great job with this page. Will Americans vote for a "personality" again?


You were too kind with the hair.


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "A mother-to-be takes her unborn child to be murdered to a doctor who obliges her by murdering it and Donald Trump is the killer?"


As he thinks in his heart, so is he (Pr 23:7).


So have you always been a rotten liar or is this just a new shtick?

And pleasant morning to you too, Satanist. 


You can go with this, but I don't think anyone believes you.     


Response to comment [from a Satanist]:  "SD: Old, bitter, angry, and lonely. Masochistic to boot."


"All aboard in the pain train!" ~ Mr. Mandelbaum Pr 16:31


Trump is a Lying Child Killer