Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:  [Sanctions]


[U.N. Passes New Round of Economic Sanctions on Iran: Don’t get your hopes up by Joel Rosenberg] "...[T]he White House is trying to force Israel to divide Jerusalem, give up the strategic West Bank and Jordan Valley to Palestinian leaders who want to destroy the Jewish State, and disclose and dismantle Israel’s defensive nuclear arsenal….the latest: during a meeting at the White House with Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud, we learn that President Obama just authorized $400 million in humanitarian relief aid for the Palestinians….FYI: how much American aid for the poor and needy in Israel?…zero..." Full text:   U.N. Passes New Round of Economic Sanctions on Iran: Don’t get your hopes up


Response to comment [from pagan]:  "Has this guy been sleeping for the last fifty years?"


The media likes to call Rosenberg a modern day Nostradamus.  He would be the first to tell you that is absurd.  Nevertheless, he seems to have been proven right time and time again.


"I didn't think you believed in Nostradamus?"


That is why I said:  "The media likes to call Rosenberg a modern day Nostradamus."

"Isn't that like "spreading the word"? Your not falling for that old trick that your Satan loves to use are you?"


Joel Rosenberg shares God's word.  He is a Messianic Jew.  Do you meant date-setting?  He doesn't do that.  He tries to understand the times but he is more concerned with sharing the gospel with a lost and dying world.  Satan doesn't want the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ shared.  

UN puts more sanctions on Iran