Undermining the U.S. Constitution
"The Obama administration recently turned in the Universal Periodic Review
report for the United States to the international body's Human Rights Council, a
panel that, according to a report from the Heritage Foundation, earlier saw:
China claim that it "adheres to the principle that all ethnic groups are equal
and implements a system of regional ethnic autonomy in areas with high
concentrations of ethnic minorities" and that its elections are "democratic" and
Cuba claim its "democratic system is based on the principle of 'government of
the people, by the people and for the people.'" Cuba also claimed the rights to
"freedom of opinion, expression and the press" are protected.
North Korea claim it "comprehensively provides" for fundamental rights and
freedoms, including freedoms "of speech, the press, assembly, demonstration and
association … work and relaxation, free medical care, education and social
wants global judgment on U.S. Gives U.N. report that is expected to be 'cannon
fodder' for critics
"According to Arizona's Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu "Mexican drug cartels
literally do control parts of Arizona..."
Mexican drug cartels control parts of Arizona
Also see:
Obama seeks to overthrow American Sovereignty
One World
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "freedom vs slavery..."
That's sort of what we're headed toward at this point.
When France is right of
Do you think conservatives are winning the arguments?
"This world's a Pizza Hut (Talking Heads)."