Video Exposes Tea Party Infiltrators
"MEDIA ADVISORY, April 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- A
shocking new video exposes radio personality Alex Jones and his allies in the
Lyndon LaRouche movement as behind some of the attempts to discredit the Tea
Party movement.
Cliff Kincaid, the journalist who runs the public policy group America's
Survival, Inc. (ASI), has released the video, posted on YouTube, in order to
alert legitimate Tea Party members to efforts to infiltrate their movement.
Titled, "Agents Provocateurs and the Tea Party Movement," the video exposes
Jones, whose radio show is syndicated by the Genesis Communications Network, as
a regular attraction on the Kremlin's favorite propaganda channel, Russia Today
television. The video documents Jones' relationship with the Lyndon LaRouche
movement, which was started by a Marxist, and features dramatic footage of Jones
disrupting a Tea Party event in Texas..." Full text:
Video Exposes Tea Party Infiltrators
...The video and a report are available at"
The Right calls it the Tea Party Movement. The Left (always attempting to
marginalize people) calls it the Tea Bagger (not even a) movement.
Do you consider yourself a Tea Party member? Who deserves your vote? Another
Another Republican?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...Alex Jones...ongoing disinformation campaign which convinces the majority that those who set out to expose the NWO are all cranks and crazies."
What does "New World Order" mean to you?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "It's the form you fill out when
you need a new world..."
All this time...I never knew.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: That happens a lot to
you, doesn't it?"
All the time.
I can't keep up with smoking man eschatology. What does one do?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The form has to be filled out and submitted to become an actual New World Order."
Is that like sign your name on the dotted line?
I'm just glad we get a new earth (Re 21:1).
Who wants to cling to this big ol' graveyard anyway?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "It's that cabal that's been
secretly running civilization since Sumerian times, if not earlier.
Members include the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Roman Catholic Church, the
Nephilim, the Temple of Set, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign
Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the RAND Corporation, and dozens of others.
They all meet at Bohemian Grove on Halloween to engage in pastimes most
unspeakable, which I shall leave to your fertile imagination..."
I see.
Skull and Bones stuff. Sometimes, I guess there just aren't enough rocks.
Bug boy. Do you really believe this stuff? I'll research if I must. But if you're pulling my leg, I'm going to be very perturbed with you.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Of course I'm not pulling your leg! Bohemian Grove really does host a yearly gathering of rich and powerful weirdos!"
Well, you know more than I do.
Here is an excerpt from a column by Allan Fotheringham on the subject:
"Abstract: Reports on the Bohemian Grove, located in the Redwood Forest near San Francisco, California, where world leaders gather every year. Description of the location; Entertainment offered; Mention of past members of the Bohemian Club, including Henry Kissinger and Gerald Ford...
[O]ne night in 1872 five bored reporters at the old San
Francisco Examiner gathered in a garage loft to promote good fellowship (i.e.
booze-ups) and, according to their credo, "to help elevate journalism to that
place in the popular estimation to which it is entitled." Good luck. They were
"the Bohemian Club" and attracted rather too much attention.
First, the membership was extended to showbiz people, followed by businessmen
and, by 1878, the year of the first "Grove-fest" out in the woods, the
journalists were already on their way out. Since then, "the greatest men's party
on earth," according to President Herbert Hoover, has been accused of everything
from kidnapping, rape, ritual murder, Druid ceremonies and sacrifice of
children. "What night," yore scribbler enquired on arriving, "do we eat the
The Bohemian Grove, in the magnificent Redwood Forest an hour north of San
Francisco, is indeed the world's most prestigious summer camp, laid out over two
weeks in July. Spread over more than 1,000 hectares to accommodate its 2,200
members, it has 129 "camps" along four km of the ironically named Russian River.
(So titled a couple of centuries ago when Russians, crossing from Siberia, came
this far south to trap for pelts.)
In truth, it's a wonderful example of why men have stag parties and women have
baby showers. These 2,200 guys gather to celebrate what they call "the spirit of
Bohemia," said Peter Phillips, a Sonoma State University sociology professor who
wrote his doctoral dissertation on the Bohemian Club. "This is a place men can
go and hang out with people who are similar to them." Academics who need
doctorates will study anything. Wonder what he said about the Rotary Club?
Past membership lists feature such as William F. Buckley Jr., Merv Griffin,
Edward Teller, one Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Casper Weinberger. The 1971
yearbook shows someone sitting cross-legged on the floor identified as Lester
(Mike) Pearson. Every single Republican president since Hoover has been a
Even more impressive than the guest list, perhaps, is the Redwood Forest soaring
to the sky. There is a stump displayed, perhaps two metres across, that shows
its history by the rings growing out from its core. At the year 800, Charlemagne
was crowned emperor. At 853, the first book was printed in China. The ring
marking 935: the text of Koran finalized. At 1300: Aztec civilization in Mexico.
The growth ring signalling 1595: Shakespeare completes Romeo and Juliet. And so
it goes, a piece of redwood stump providing a fascinating history lesson, from
Leif Ericson landing in North America in 1000 to Joan of Arc burned at the stake
in 1431 to Leonardo da Vinci completing the Mona Lisa in 1506 to Mozart born in
1756 to gold discovered in California in 1848 to Hitler invading Poland in 1939
to the end of World War Double in 1945. Strange what you can learn from a
tree..." Fotheringham, Allan. "Among the Giants." Maclean's 115.31 (2002):
33. MasterFILE Elite. EBSCO. Web. 17 Apr. 2010.
Do you have more to add? Are you terribly concerned about these people?
"I'm not, but you should be...The guy who Obama is paving the way for is a member of the Bohemian Club."
Obama is paving the way for another bad buy--I'd agree with you there.
Video Exposes Tea
Party Infiltrators