Pay Down your Visa and Buy a Big Mac
Visa "Go World". Forget that American Exceptionalism
I guess Visa does not promote American exceptionalism. Now it's
"go world" according to their commercials.
--Just another reason to cut up your credit cards.
At least MacDonald's still roots for the USA
in their U.S. aired commercials.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "May the best man or woman win, no matter what country he or she is from, right?"
I'd like the US to be the best in all she does--military, business, Olympics, etc. Who doesn't love Ovechkin or Mulkin? But, in the end, I'd like us to beat team Russia.
I did like that Canadian who took gold and pointed to heaven. I hope by that he meant that he gives God the glory.
"I see no sinister forces at work here (except, of course, for those credit card interest rates.)"
That's right!
Response to comment [from other]: "I suppose MacDonald's roots for good wholesome healthy food as well, right SD? Anyone for "Supersize Me"?"
Typical liberal.
If Michelle Obama gets here way, it will be illegal to eat there (looks like
she's had a few fries by the way...that's a large behind). Do you her
girls really look obese to you?
But I digress.
Maybe Michelle can mind her own garden and keep her nose our of ours. You know they hate us spread out and living on farms. They'd like us all in the city where they can control our transportation and tomatoes.
MacDonald's food is terrible but at least they are
proud of our country and still say USA in their ad.
Do you think it is a coincidence that liberals want to control your guns and your food?
"Providing or withholding food during times of conflict can be just as potent a weapon as the guns, bombs, and explosives of opposing armies..." Full text: Food as a Weapon of War
"There has long been an urban dimension to gun use and control in the United States, especially in regard to handguns. Gun ownership, especially of rifles and shotguns, tends to be concentrated in rural areas, but handguns and assault weapons—military-appearing, semiautomatic firearms—account for much gun ownership and use in urban areas..." Full text: Gun Use and Control