The main theme of this issue—the wonders of the human body—took on joyful significance for my wife and me recently, when our daughter and son-in-law announced the news of her pregnancy.
Thoughts about our first grandbaby have once again turned us into students of human physiology, anatomy, and biology. But unlike our college days, we feel no dread of a quiz or final exam. One of the most-referenced items at our house has been the special “baby growth chart” that Answers published a couple of years ago. (I didn’t realize how special that chart would become!)
We keep asking ourselves, what does our little grandbaby look like now?
This 11 x 17 chart from an earlier Answers magazine illustrates the amazing complexity and growth stages of a human baby, from day one to nine months. You can download it free at
I’ve carefully studied every article in the issue you are holding—articles that deal with the brain, heart, skin, and other organs and body systems.
As usual, these articles have challenged and equipped me. I call them vitamins for the mind.
But now, as a grandfather-to-be, these articles and the intricate illustrations have grabbed my emotions, too. There’s nothing like practical application to create hunger for new information.
Think of your own situation—a relative who recently had heart surgery, a child suffering through freshman biology, friends’ questions about vegetarianism, or a need to know why “remembering” gets so much harder as you get older. Ask God to bring to life the truths in this magazine issue. There’s so much to learn about God . . . and to share!
As you read, I suggest you pray that the Creator will grant you a deeper appreciation for the complexity of His design of the human body. Whether the miracle of its creation, its diverse functions, or its healing ability, the body is amazing. Understanding its intricacies is far beyond even the most gifted scientist or doctor. Let’s praise our Creator God!
All for Him,
Dale T. Mason, Publisher
Ken Ham, President/CEO, Answers in Genesis–USA