Voters Are Much Less Optimistic About Black-White Relations
"Perceptions about the state of black-white relations in
America have fallen dramatically since the summer of 2009. But voters are still
more optimistic about that relationship than they are about relations between
whites and Hispanics and between blacks and Hispanics.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 36% of voters
now say relations between blacks and whites are getting better. That’s down from
62% in July of last year...
Interestingly, 59% of African-American voters continue to believe the country is
moving in the right direction..." Full text:
Voters Are Much Less Optimistic About Black-White Relations
Will blacks support
Obama no matter what he does? If so, why?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I suppose whites are embarrassed by the sorts of signs they see at the tea party rallies."
Planted signs?
Why did blacks support OJ? He was clearly guilty.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "It seemed to me at the time that support for OJ was not split along racial lines in the upper class, but definitely was amongst the lower class."
Blacks have invested emotionally in
Obama as they did in OJ. They need to judge him by the content of his
character not the color of his skin.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: " There's plenty of Hispanics I wouldn't give the time of day to, especially Sotamayor. Talk about 'race' taking a whole new meaning."
We can disagree with Sotamayor and not be Mexiphobes?
Also see:
A Letter from a Republican to Hispanics
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "There is no doubt that racist signs appear frequently at teaparty rallies. The claim they are "liberal" plants is pitiful."
Aren't you the one who claims certain people groups developed along certain lines--some more "evolved" than others? Wouldn't that view make refraining from racism difficult? As Christians, we know that we are one race and one blood not monkeys (Ac 17:26).
"Don't you love it when white folk suddenly become experts about blacks, and offer them helpful advice."
How would you advise blacks? Would you tell them they came from monkeys?
Darwin’s Plantation: Evolution’s Racist Roots,5547,224.aspx
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Comparing the president to a monkey..."
Do you believe in evolution? Do you believe blacks came from monkeys?
Christians believe we are one race and one blood not monkeys (Ac 17:26).
"Mexiphobe"? People disagree with me all the time and I don't refer to them in that way. Besides, I disagree with Sotamayor. Can a Mexican be a 'Mexiphobe'?"
If you are a betrayer of your own people (e.g. you do not subscribe to Mexithink)--technically, that makes you a Mexiphobe, yes.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[E]xcuse me? Mexithink? And you are?"
A Coloradan-American. Incidentally, you don't have to be
Mexican to think Mexithink. You just have to think like La Raza--like the
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "…[T]hey are incredibly appallingly ignorant of the history of racist stereotypes in the U.S. I can only suspect that anybody so appallingly ignorant of how blacks were insulted and humiliated for 150 years.”
How do you think 150 years of Darwinism has contributed to racism?
Darwin believed some people groups were more advanced than other people groups.
Do you believe this?
Doesn't the Bible Support Slavery?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Bybee: "When we can't get over the past we repeat it."] "Let the victims of racism decide that; not you."
Which victims were you referring to--the victims of the Civil War? Certain people groups are being used for :Commie: power and control. It has nothing to do with race.
Response to comment [from other]: "[QUOTE=Rusha;2450533] A child would automatically question how the world around them came into being...[/QUOTE]"
Babies understand morality, math and physics (BEL: Honey Baby..., 8 Oct 10). Ps 40:8.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I think it's because "white"
isn't something we think about, except in regard to "nonwhites."
We call this
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Describe 'Mexithink'."
It cannot interpret the U.S. Constitution.
he's not post-racial after all
"Republicans Counting On Blacks Staying Home (Obama)..."