The Watchmaker
Response to comment [from a Buddhist]: "design inference."
God has given you a brain to recognize patterns and design. When a person rejects God, he worships something else. Maybe in your case it is "nothingness" or the "nothingness god". When you are responsible to "nothing" then you can do whatever you please. The Bible calls this rebellion. Men do not want to be responsible to their creator so they will reinvent a god that they can tolerate. Like "nothing". They say: "I'll worship that!" Your god will become something that you can deal with. In this case "nothing".
Men were meant to be more than that. Ever heard "I think, therefore I am?" That is something. Consider that. Since "I am" something, someone or something made me. That someone is God.
I can look to the tree and see patterns or intentionally not see patterns and try to convince others that they do not see patterns either to suit my purpose. But patterns are there. Trees look alike. Dog kinds look alike. And there seems to be something special about our planet (Ps 19:1) and men on it (Eccl 3:11).
There is a pattern of men asking questions: Why are we here? What is my purpose? Should I care more about this tree or men's souls (Jon 4:9)?