We are a Nation of Illegal Immigrants
[Immigration reform
bias alert! Are these the horrific crimes of
an illegal immigrant? Posted by Laura
Ingraham Staff] "Buried on page B6 of the
Metro section in this weekend's Washington
Post was a largely ignored story of horrific
sexual and physical abuse perpetrated upon
five children in Montgomery Country, MD by a
native of the Dominican Republic. Adderli
Jose Cruz-Rosario, whom the Washington Post
refers to as a "day laborer," brutally
assaulted five children—fracturing their
ribs and causing brain trauma. The Post
reports that Cruz-Rosario had, "not only
bitten and beaten the 19-month-old girl, but
also had thrown her against a wall and
pinned her to the floor with exercise
weights... He also sexually assaulted her
and four of her siblings, ages 6 to 11."
While we have yet to confirm the citizenship
status of the perpetrator—the Montgomery
County PD refused to release that
information—it seems very likely that
Cruz-Rosario, the 'day laborer,' is an
illegal immigrant (in fact, given his age,
he may have even gained amnesty through
Obama’s DREAM Act edict).
Both the gruesome attack and the lack of
coverage it has received is an abomination.
If a similar attack had been carried out
upon an illegal immigrant, it would have
been splashed upon the front page of every
liberal dishrag available. While we are in
the midst of this current immigration
debate, every American deserves the right to
be informed about the numerous threats that
a flawed immigration reform bill poses to
the hard working Americans of this country.
The Washington Post and Montgomery Country
PD should be ashamed and immediately release
his citizenship status..." Full text:
Immigration reform bias alert! Are these the
horrific crimes of an illegal immigrant?
2 Thess 2:7
Report: 13-year-old girl raped by more than
a dozen illegals in Texas
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Serpent exposes Laura Ingraham's fetid imagination...He's Hispanic, you know. Ingraham can just tell by looking at their names, that they don't belong here..."
Ad hominem
A staff writer wrote the article. Ingram has
a Latina daughter.
"Ingraham is stupid enough to suppose she can tell illegals by their names."
Ad hominem
She's not the author of the article.
[Ingraham adopted girl from Guatemala] "So that justifies assuming a Hispanic has to be an illegal alien?"
Proof please
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...I won't waste my time talking about all of the crime that comes with illegal immigration, nor the cost to taxpayers for incarcerating them, nor the cost to taxpayers for human services, etc etc etc, as a person just can't reason with the mentally ill."
Not with
(Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).
Facts are conservative (Thatcher).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Thanks to Mary they are Christian."
No Mary Worship
Response to comment [from other]: "It really
hurts to see how people are trying to make
this a political circus... when my family is
broken apart by this situation... We the
family of these children only pray to GOD
that the truth is told and that this
situation resolves itself soon so that our
children can stop suffering.
Also I am tired of people thinking that just
because I am Hispanic; I am illegal, or
don't belong here...I am American...born and
made in the USA with Hispanic heritage
running through my veins... I went to school
in this country, I spoke English before I
spoke Spanish, I started working at the age
of 14yrs old, paid taxes for over 15 yrs,
don't live on government help... And I'm
still not an American?"
Are you an anchor baby?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...Part of being American is tolerating evil people so long as they just talk about evil. Fortunately, the ones who hate people like you, usually lack the courage to act."
You're projecting again (Ac
"If they are going to misuse terms like
racist, then they are the villains." ~
Ben Shapiro
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
"This country became great because immigrants came here..."
2 Thess 2:17