"...[W]e believe that one day, the flag of Islam will fly over the White House"
"...[P]erhaps the most alarming statement on Amanpour’s program came from Anjem
Choudary, a former British solicitors and Muslim cleric that spokesman for the
group Islam4UK. Choudary contends eventually you'll see global Islamic rule,
including here in the United States..."
"Islam is a religion of peace (George W. Bush)." Not a spiritual war?
Jer 7:6.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Once again, serpentdove has been shown that what she presents as posing a clear and present danger to the US...doesn't."
They commit worldwide mass murder and they are the
Nothing to see here people--move along, Islamophobes (Jer
Why are you being so silly--only
100 million people want to kill you.
Tony Blair learned that the majority of Muslims approve of Jihad and do not say
a thing.
You love Taquilla don't you?
Eze 13:19. Keeps you cozy
in your sin?
Mt 15:19
Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims: Understanding Taqiyya ― Islamic Principle of
Lying for the Sake of Allah
By the way, what kind of "prophet" teaches people to lie?
Jer. 28:15,
2 Pet. 2:10–22.
Here are my terms. I want to be friends.
You submit to
Sharia ["This woman should be covered... (Choudary)]; If you don't like it--die.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Doesn't really matter what your religion is."
Spoken like a true Catholic.
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Be sure and let us all know when Muslim extremists start blowing up suburban churches and shopping malls, because that's how to hit Americans where they live."
Do nothing until attacks occur in the U.S. daily?
Jer 7:6.
"2010.10.04 (Chiryurt, Dagestan) - Suspected Islamists assassinate two local
farm officials, both fathers.
2010.10.04 (Kandahar, Afghanistan) - A local official is gunned down by Islamist
while praying at a mosque.
2010.10.03 (Islamabad, Pakistan) - Six people are burned to death by a Sunni
rocket attack on an industrial complex.
2010.10.03 (Miranshah, Pakistan) - Three civilians are abducted and executed by
Taliban militants.
2010.10.03 (Mosul, Iraq) - A university professor is killed by fundamentalist
2010.10.03 (Mosul, Iraq) - Terrorists shoot a shepherd to death in his home.
Weekly Jihad Report:
Sep. 18 - Sep. 24
Jihad Attacks: 44
Dead Bodies: 157
Critically Injured: 250..."
Response to comment [from other]: "...[A] lot of your concerns are addressed by Muslims..."
And how do you know they are not practicing taquia?
"Addressed in the video..."
As soon as you tell me how you know they are not practicing taquia (Jer 7:6, Eze 13:19).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I restored the context you removed..."
Your point? You are not a Christian. Christians trust
Christ's work not their own.
Works vs Faith
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Not a message likely to win a lot of favor in this country. I'm surprised you are so insecure about the power of your own culture. It isn't likely to succumb to Sharia."
That's your plan?
Get saved (Pr 6:9). Then start thinking usefully (Mt 7:16).
"Curiously, Choudary's message is similar to the Christian fundamentalists who call for killing gays..."
That is your specialty, isn't it? Mixing truth with
error? (Ga
Homosexuality is: Forbidden (Lev.
18:22), Considered an abomination (1
Kin. 14:24), Punishment (Lev.
20:13), Unclean (Rom.
27). Thomas Nelson
Publishers: Nelson's Quick Reference Topical Bible Index. Nashville, Tenn. :
Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995 (Nelson's Quick Reference), S. 293
Response to comment [from other]: "You don't even know what Taqiyya is or how to spell it."
Sorry, I'm not good with
dirty yak (Ingraham) spelling.
I bet you are (Eze 13:19).
Lie to the Infidel.
‘Taqiyya’: How Islamic Extremists Deceive the West
Response to comment [from other]: "Why do you continue to further this fringe lunatics platform?"
You called them the lunatics that they are (1 Tim. 1:6,
7)--and it isn't even my birthday.
By George, he's got it!
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Homosexuality is: Forbidden (Lev. 18:22), Considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), Punishment (Lev. 20:13), Unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).] "Thanks for confirming this kind of lunatic thinking."
God's word is lunacy?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: ""chill out". Disliking them simply because they are Muslim is no bueno. It makes you sound like a bigot, and I know you aren't one."
Christians don't hate Muslims. We hate their false teaching (Eph. 4:14).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Christians will be rejected by Christ because they didn't help the poor and the downtrodden..."
What does Christ have waiting for those who reject his word? John 12:48, Lk 19:47.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[J]ust curious do you know any Muslims or have any Muslim friends?"
Yes. Can you disagree with Muslims and not be an Islamophobe?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "...[D]oes the Bible prohibit running off and getting yourself killed..."
Now you care what the Bible has to say?
You're a corpse. We are corpses too but we've been raised to new life (Col 2:12,
3:1, Rom. 6:5; Eph. 2:6). You have no interest in living (Mt 27:3, 4; Acts
"...[W]e believe that
one day, the flag of Islam will fly over the White House"