Welcome To The Post-Racial World Of Obama
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Knockout game" [Knockout game: black youths targeting Asians, Jews and whites]
So-called race
relations have worsened with this
Divider-in-Chief (Ac
Where are the
race hustlers
Ac 17:26
NYC group puts bounty on 'knockout
game' participants
Ro 1:31
Downtown business owner says violent
teen mobs not uncommon
2 Ti 3:2-4, Ro 1:29-31
J. Vernon
'Knockout' by the Fairer Sex? Philadelphia Teens Charged with Beating Student with Brick
New York City attacks on Jews triples in 2013, Anti-Defamation League says
Crowd severely beats pickup driver who stopped after hitting boy, 10 2 Ti 3:2-4, Ro 1:29-31