Dear folks'
I just read the 4926first chapter of WHY THEY WON'T LISTEN. I received the LORD in 1976. Whenever I saw anything to do with evolution I started questioning my faith and would sink into a deep depression. I didn't realize it at the time but what I needed was 'creation evangelism'. The Lord answered my prayers by getting into my hands two books, THE GENESIS FLOOD, and MANY INFALLIBLE PROOFS. I am so grateful for the work you are doing. My father says evolution is the reason he cannot accept Chrisitiany. I suscribed him to CREATION magazine and am showing him videos I oredered from AIG. Thank you again for defending the Bible from the first verse. It is the only way to have a firm foundation
Sincerely in Christ,
Cindy Felice
USAPS God has grately comforted me through the book WALKING IN THE SHADOWS concerning health problems. Again I thank you!