What about abortion in cases of rape?


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:  "I have a hard time telling a woman she has to have a rapist's baby."

The baby would have a harder time being murdered (Eze 18:17). 


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "When does it become a baby?"


When God says so (Jer 1:5).


[Flukeman] "And what makes you think it is ok to execute a baby?"

He's a humanist. Luckily he is not the creator of the heavens and the earth who gets to make the decisions (Mt 5:18).


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "This one I've got to watch..."


KMO will try to go after the children (Pr 8:36, Jn 10:10) and we will try to stop him (Jn 10:10, Mt 5:13-16).


"I find it difficult to justify the crime of murder on the grounds of personal victimization. It isn't the child who needs killing."


They protect their sexual sin (1 Co 6:9). They've even got the women out there fighting for the right to be used like a whore (Ro 1:26, 2 Tim. 3:6).


"...I don't think early term abortion (morning after pill or similar within first tri) is murder..."


Then you are a child-killer (Pr 23:7). 


"Nothing says "adding insult to injury" like having to raise your rapist's child."

A woman can give the child up for adoption.

You're going to find out one day that murder was illegal (Ex 20:13, Lk 19:27, Ro 2:6).


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I believe a child is a gift of God no matter how it is conceived."


Yep (Ge 1:26,27; 1 Co 11:7, Jas 3:9). We are made for God (Pr 16:4, Re 4:11) not the garbage can (Pr 6:17).


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "There is no excuse for abortion. Not in the case of rape. Not in the case of incest. Not ever.  That sweet child living inside its mother, though perhaps brought about by evil and undesirable methods and circumstances, is innocent and alive. It deserves a chance. It is a human being. It is a child of God.  To deny him or her that chance to grow and become something in this life because of convenience or guilt or trauma or fear is to embrace murder. It is among the most vile of acts we, as humans, are capable of committing.  It is wrong. There is no excuse that can justify the taking of an unborn child's life.  Ever."


The value of the child is infinite (Ge 2:7; 1 Co 15:45).    Tink about dat. Tink about dat (Ingraham). Ec 10:14


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The rapist should be aborted.  The baby didn't do anything wrong."


Deut. 22:25


Response to comment [from a Christian] : "This is a matter of representation. Should the child be represented as nothing more than the product of a violent crime..."


Speak out for the one who cannot speak (Prov. 31:8, GWT).


Response to comment [from other]: "I can't really comment on it in a definite way. I can't imagine what it would be like to be a woman who has been raped and impregnated..."


“...[W]e shouldn’t have a bunch of politicians, a majority of whom are men, making health care decisions [murder] on behalf of women.” ~ Barack Obama Ex 20:13


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[D]o aborted babies automatically go to heaven without a repentance requirement?"


They haven't reached the age of accountability. They go to heaven after their brief visit with wicked man.


Age of Accountability  


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: ["American doctors and clinics do sometimes pair it with the drug mifepristone (formerly known as RU-486) to produce a “medical abortion...,”" Looking to Mexico for Alternative to Abortion Clinics ] "Should all pregnant women be watched/interned by government minders to make sure their pregnancy has the desired outcome? How else are you going to stop something like this?

Are you for 86ing children feather problem?


”South Park - J.Lo Songs"


What about abortion in cases of rape?