What do anti-Catholics really know about the Catholic faith?
Christians are not anti-Catholic.
They are opposed to
lies and deceit (Ga 1:6-8, Mt 15:9).
[God's Clear Commands Against Idolatry Are Ignored by Mike Gendron Proclaiming
the Gospel Ministries] "Many Roman Catholic traditions find their origin in
paganism, but none as obvious as the use of statues, icons, relics, and images
in worship. Historians report that statues of the Egyptian goddess Isis, with
her child Horus, were renamed Mary and Jesus by pagan Rome. Today, shrines of
the Black Madonna and Child are the holiest shrines in Catholic Europe. It
should not surprise us that some of the titles and honor given to Mary by the
Vatican such as: "Our Lady", "Eternal Virgin" and "Madonna", were the same
titles attributed to Isis. Whether the idolatry is pagan or religious, the
principle is the same. The worship and honor that is due to God alone is turned
away from Him, and given to that which is not God.
On a missionary trip to Mexico several years ago, I went into the Cathedral of
Acapulco to share the Gospel with Catholics. The idolatry I witnessed there was
so nauseating that it has grieved me to this day. In a transparent glass coffin
there was a statue of Jesus lying face up with wads of pesos in his hands. In
front of the coffin was an offering box with the words in Spanish: "For the holy
burial of Jesus." I wept as I watched poor Mexican peasants kneel down and offer
what little money they had so that Jesus could be buried (again).
The first two commandments of God clearly forbid two things: 1) creating and
worshipping an image of the true God and 2) worshipping anyone other than God
(Exodus 20:1-5). In other words, our worship must be directed only to the true
God and not through any object. Thus to worship, venerate, kiss, adore, lift up,
pray to, speak to, or make religious use of man-made images of God and saints is
a sin of the most serious kind. God could not have made this any clearer when He
commanded: "You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is
in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You
shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous
God" (Exodus 20:4-5). Yet the Roman Catholic Church has laid aside this
commandment of God, teaching instead the traditions of men (Mark 7:8). This is a
most deliberate and willful defiance of God's holy law. The one who refuses to
listen to the law must know this: "Even his prayer is an abomination" (Proverbs
28:9). God has made it clear that those who continue in the sin of idolatry will
not inherit His kingdom (1 Cor. 6:9-10). "Their part will be in the lake that
burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death" (Rev. 21:8).
Almighty God is never to be worshipped using man-made images because it is
impossible for images to capture or display His divine attributes. How could man
ever create an image that displays God's transcendence, holiness, majesty,
eternality, sovereignty and His glory which fills the earth? To portray God in
the form of an idol crafted by man reduces the Creator to the substance of
creation. No wonder the infinitely glorious, all-powerful and omnipresent God of
heaven and earth, hates being approached by worshippers who distort His
character with flawed images crafted by mortal men." Full text:
God's Clear Commands Against Idolatry Are Ignored
"You shall not make for yourselves idols, nor shall you set up for yourselves an
image...nor shall you place a figured stone in your land to bow down to it; for
I am the Lord your God." (Lev. 26:1)
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Don't even bother..."
God's law is no
bother (1 Jn 5:3). He alone is worthy of worship (Ex. 20:3; Deut. 5:7;
6:13; Matt. 4:10; Luke 4:8; Acts 10:26; 14:15; Col. 2:18; Rev.
19:10; 22:8).
[True and False Worship Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "Jesus said, "God is
spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24).
One does not have to formally deny the Triune God in order to be an idolater.
Reverence for the God of the Bible and the ungodly sin of idolatry are common
place. The Israelites never renounced God when they fashioned a golden calf.
Instead they said, "This is your god, O Israel, who brought you up from the land
of Egypt." Afterwards Aaron built an altar in front of the idol and proclaimed:
"Tomorrow shall be a feast to the Lord" (Exodus 32:4, 5). The Lord, who is a
consuming fire and a jealous God, did not let this wicked sin of idolatry go
unpunished. He ordered those who helped create this god of gold, and who did not
repent, be put to death (Exodus 32:26-28). About three thousand idolaters were
slain." Full text:
True and False Worship
"Post #360..."
Do not worship the true God by an image
(Ex 32:4-6; Ps 106:19,20).
[Lessons From History Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "You would think the
Roman Catholic Church would learn from biblical history and flee from idolatry,
but instead Rome creates a god of flour and water to be worshipped as the
resurrected and glorified Son of God. It is idolatry to call what man's hands
have made "God", and then worship it as deity. Like the Israelites, Catholics
also build altars to celebrate (Eucharistic) feasts to the Lord. Can Catholics
not see that there is little difference between worshipping a golden calf as the
true God and worshipping the Eucharist as the Son of God? Both religions appear
to have had the same objectives in creating their idols. It is the desire to
give worshippers a sense of the physical presence of God in order to make use of
His power and blessings. Both religions are guilty of the sin of idolatry which
will bring down the most severe judgments of God." Full text:
Lessons From History
Response to comment [from a Cathlolic]: "[I]s it violating the commandment for my little girl to draw a picture of Jesus, her God?"
I don't care for any image of the Lord
being made.
[The Cause of Idolatry Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "The cause of all
idolatry is the corruption of man's heart and his need for some kind of a
religion. The evidence of this is seen in the many false views of God and false
ways of worship throughout the world. Ignorance of God, including a diminished
understanding of His attributes and commands, characterize the religion of
natural man. Man is eager to bring God down to his level, which leads him to
create an image of God he can see, feel, and touch. Man desires to worship in
the flesh with all of his senses instead of with a humble and contrite spirit (Isaiah
66:2)." Full text:
The Cause of Idolatry
God hates idolatry (Deut
[Unbelievers Must See to Believe Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]:
"Unbelievers, who are blinded by their religion, say you must see to believe.
Their eyes cannot see the glory of Christ because they are blinded by the prince
of this world (2
Cor. 4:4). The unbelieving Jews, not seeing
Jesus's glory, mocked Him with: "Let this Christ, the King of Israel, now come
down from the cross, so that we may see and believe!" (Mark
15:32). Earlier Jesus had told them: "Unless
you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe" (John
Roman Catholic leaders also say you must see to believe. They teach Catholics to
have faith in visible things for the appropriation of spiritual power and
blessings. Catholics see and worship their god in the Eucharist believing it has
the power to wipe away their sins (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph
1394). They see and eat the Eucharist believing they have consumed the physical
body and blood of Jesus (CCC, 1377). They see and confess to their priest
believing he has the power to forgive sins (CCC, 1461). They see and bow down to
statues believing the saints, who are represented, will intercede for them (CCC,
2683). They see and feel rosary beads believing their repetitious prayers to
Mary will remit punishment for sin (CCC, 1471). These are just a few examples of
how "seeing signs and wonders" is an undeniable part of the Catholic faith.
Rather than worshipping by faith in things not seen, Catholics worship what they
can see. They defend their practice by saying they are not worshipping Mary and
the saints when they bow down and pray to them, they are merely venerating them.
But according to Webster's Dictionary, veneration is a form of worship and
reverence. This practice, along with prayer, is reserved for God alone." Full
Unbelievers Must See to Believe
"...[A]re you saying that my daughter is violating the commandment by drawing a picture of her Savior and God?"
She is (Jn 4:24, Eze 14:3,4).
Idolatry is wicked (Ex 32:4-6;
Ps 106:19,20).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Your affirmation of the ancient anti-Christian heresy of Iconoclasm is noted."
What is
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[T]hose verses don't say that..."
The true God should not be worshipped by an image (Ex 32:4-6; Ps 106:19,20). People should not set up idols in their heart (Eze 14:3,4).
Eph 4:14
What is iconoclasm?
[God's Elect Must Believe to See by Mike Gendron
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]: "The Lord said you must first believe before
you can see the glory of God (John 11:40). Genuine faith is the assurance of
things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Heb. 11:1). Jesus said,
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29). So we
fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is
temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Cor. 4:18). Faith does not come from
things that are seen (the Eucharist) but from things that are not seen (the Lord
Jesus at the right hand of God). Born-again Christians walk by faith not by
sight (2 Cor. 5:7). This faith comes, not from seeing something, but from
hearing the word of God (Rom. 10:17). The natural man cannot see because there
is a veil that covers his heart and will remain until he turns to the Lord Jesus
in faith (2 Cor. 3:16) When God removes the veil he can see Jesus in every book
of the Bible.
What does the Lord say about those who make statues and idols? "They are
altogether stupid and foolish in their discipline of delusion - their idol is
wood! Every man is stupid, devoid of knowledge; Every goldsmith is put to shame
by his idols; for his molten images are deceitful, And there is no breath in
them. They are worthless, a work of mockery. In the time of their punishment
they will perish" (Jeremiah 10:8,14,15). "All mankind is stupid, devoid of
knowledge...his molten images are deceitful, And there is no breath in them.
They are worthless, a work of mockery. In the time of their punishment they will
perish" (Jeremiah 51:17-18). "They have no knowledge, [those] who carry about
their wooden idol, and pray to a god who cannot save" (Isaiah 45:20). The
Levites, speaking for God in a loud voice, proclaimed: "Cursed is the man who
makes an idol or a molten image, an abomination to the Lord" (Deut. 27:15).
People who create and trust idols become like the idol they created, which can
not see, speak or hear (Psalms 135:15-18). They cannot see the glory of God nor
hear His Word, nor proclaim His Gospel. What does the Word of God command? "Do
not be idolaters" (1 Corinthians 10:7). "Flee from idolatry" (1 Corinthians
10:14). "Keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21).
I pray Catholics will take these exhortations seriously and not participate in
the sins of their church any longer. Even if, by the slimmest of chances, the
Vatican were to remove all the objects of their idolatrous worship, it must
still eradicate another form of idolatry. The idolatrous practice of making
ordained priests mediators between men and God, which gives the priests an honor
which the Apostles flatly repudiate. Furthermore, it robs Jesus Christ of His
unique office (1 Tim. 2:5)..." Full text:
God's Elect Must Believe to See
[The true God should not be worshipped by an image (Ex 32:4-6; Ps 106:19,20).] "[T]hose verses don't say that." [17 Dec 2011 00:36:00]
They say be a
wicked idolater (Ex 20:2,3; Deut 5:7).
You're good to go (Jude 11).
"You nullify the Word of God by your traditions that you have handed down (Mk
Roman Catholic Traditions
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "I think it is okay for a child to draw a picture of Jesus..."
Of course you
do (Jn
Mt 18:6).
You indoctrinate the little pagans early (Ex
Ps 106:19,20).
[Col 1:15]
"1:15–20 One component in the heresy threatening the Colossian church was the denial of the deity of Christ. Paul combats that damning element of heresy with an emphatic defense of Christ’s deity."
"[H]ow does Ex 20:4 harmonize with Ex 25:18,29,20 in your traditions?"
"20:4–6 The mode or fashion of worship
appropriate to only one Lord forbids any attempt to represent or
caricature Him by use of anything He has made. Total censure of
artistic expression was not the issue; the absolute censure of
idolatry and false worship was the issue. Violation would seriously
affect succeeding generations because the Lord demanded full and
exclusive devotion, i.e., He is a jealous God (cf. 34:14; Deut.
4:24; 5:9). The worship of man-made representations was nothing less
than hatred of the true God..." (Ex 20:4, MacArthur).
"25:18 cherubim. Forged as one with the golden cover of the ark were
two angelic beings rising up on each end and facing one another,
their wings stretching up and over forming an arch. Cherubim,
associated with the majestic glory and presence of God (cf. Ezek.
10:1–22), were appropriately woven into the tabernacle curtains and
the veil for the Holy of Holies (26:1, 31), for this place was where
God was present with His people. Scripture reveals them as the
bearers of God’s throne (1 Sam. 4:4; Is. 37:16) and the guardians of
the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life (Gen. 3:24)." MacArthur,
John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word
Pub., 1997, c1997, S. Ex 25:18
A Scriptural Response to: Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph
"...[John MacArthur] he believes it is okay to add to Scripture out of good motives"
No he doesn't (Re 22:18,19).
Roman Catholic Traditions
"[Y]ou can't answer my question?: [H]ow does Ex 20:4 harmonize with Ex 25:18,29,20 in your traditions?" [17 Dec 2011 16:13:32]
These verses do not have a harmony problem.
How do they trouble you? Mt 22:29; Ac 13:27, 2 Pe
[There is an option to select "Catholic" in your profile. Why don't you select it? Eph 4:14.] "...[W]hy do you keep citing John MacArthur and adding to Scripture?"
Proof please.
The word of God works effectively in those who believe (1
Th 2:13).
"[N]one of the Protestant distinctives are in Scripture e.g. the denial of Jn 6:51,53,55..."
"6:51–59 This section may be divided into 3
divisions: 1) Jesus’ pronouncement (v. 51); 2) the crowd’s
perplexity (v. 52); and 3) Jesus’ promises (vv. 53–59)." MacArthur,
John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word
Pub., 1997, c1997, S.
Jn 6:51
A Scriptural Response to: Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph
do anti-Catholics really know about the Catholic faith?