What do you think of Paula Deen being fired from the Food Network?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...When all the hip hop artists get fired by their record companies for using the same exact word, then I will agree with the outrage about her using it."
The thought police
believe they know her views about people
Darius Rucker calls racist tweeter an
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Um hello dear. That is an entirely different scenario. Country music is not owned by any one race..."
Darius Rucker agrees with you. He called a racist a racist.
"Paula Deen using the n word does not fall into that category, since the n word seems to be in common usage today especially among the younger urban crowd."
you always walk around saying
"the n word"?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "...I was 8 and a very good friend was offended by my using that word. So I took his opinion to heart."
you used this word at one time, should we assume that
you are a racist?
"I have noticed that many other people use it without much thought."
Is it possible that Paul Deen could have used the word without much thought?
[If you used this word at one time, should we assume that you are a racist?] "What would make you assume that?"
Leftist's reaction to this story (e.g. Graniteheart).
Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10. Does the Satanist give you a pass for your use of
the word? He is not as forgiving toward Paul Deen.
What do you believe cures racism? Ac 17:26, Ga 3:28
Darwin's Plantation: Evolution's Racist Roots
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "She's also an inveterate liar..."
Aren't you the one; Satanist, who disparages people who are happy that
God-haters will be separated from us for all eternity?
Dan 12:2.
Which is worse, using a hurtful name to describe a person or rejecting God's
Mt 12:32
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "SB [SnakeBird] actually does more harm to Christianity than someone like you [the Satanist]. At least you're honest about your opposition..."
[TOL automatically deletes word] Does the Satanist forgive you for calling people niggers?
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:
Which is it--I am a Christian or
I am not (Eph
You can't be almost pregnant and you can't be almost a Christian (1
Jn 3:14).
In your first quote you suggest
I am not a Christian and in your second quote you ask me to answer a question
that only a Christian
can answer?
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "You might also remind her that I'm not [a Satanist]."
You don't recall telling me that
I can understand Satanism
back when you identified as a "Satanist".
".... She knows better. No need to repeat myself."
Do tell why you no
longer call yourself Satanist here at TOL. Did it become a PR problem
for you?
You enjoy the Satanist's worldview (Jer
5:31 NIV,
Mt 7:6).
Ask him (Mt
Re 22:11).
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "She did us a favor, in a way, exposing the grotesque mentality of so many folks, but what she said was flippant and appalling."
You won't forgive her because she's from the south?
"I have never once encountered a racist who was ever genuinely sorry for the offense they caused or the language they used."
You won't forgive her because she's white?
[The Satanist says the discussion may be a waste of time]
You won't forgive her because she's a woman?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Hey, someone has to be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness every now and them."
the Satanist unforgiving because she cooks fatty foods?
Wide Load Wants to Control Your Food
2 Ti 3:3, NIV
Medicine Show - Big Audio Dynamite
"...There are nineteen words or phrases used to describe the last days.
1. "Lovers of their own selves"—self–lovers. This is very much in evidence in our culture today. An article by a newspaper correspondent who had covered Washington, D.C., for many years, noted that the one thing which has characterized Washington for the past twenty years is that those who are in position want the reporters to praise them. In fact, they insist upon it. That is not confined to Washington. Hollywood is probably one of the greatest places for scratching each other’s backs. One actor will publicly say something nice about another, then the other one will return the favor. You find this in every walk of life. Even schools have self–love. If a man boosts a school, then the school boosts him by giving him an honorary degree. Also, you can find this in the churches. Paul goes on to say, in chapter 4, verse 3, that congregations will follow teachers "having itching ears." These teachers want their ears scratched—they want to be complimented. To be complimented, you have to compliment. So the teachers compliment their congregations and their boards of officers. They don’t tell the people that they are sinners and need a Savior; they tell them how wonderful they are. It is interesting that the love of self characterizes our contemporary society. Probably there has never been a time when it has been so common.
2. "Covetous" means lovers of money. This follows self–love, because lovers of self become lovers of money. This old nature likes to have a lot of money spent on it. Remember that Paul said in 1 Timothy 6:10, "… the love of money is the root of all evil…." Money itself is not bad. The problems come in our attitude toward our money. Covetousness reveals itself not only in the acquisition of wealth but also in the use of it.
3. "Boasters." That word has in it the idea of swaggerers. You can sometimes tell a proud man by the way he walks. He walks like a peacock; he swaggers.
4. "Proud" means haughty.
5. "Blasphemers" is better translated railers. I remember the story of a fellow whose wife said to him, "Everyone in town is talking about the Smiths’ quarrel. Some of them are taking her part and some are taking his part." He chimed in, "Well, I suppose a few eccentric individuals are minding their own business." Well, railers include those who are always poking their noses into somebody else’s business.
6. "Disobedient to parents." Certainly this is self–evident. Oh, the thousands of boys and girls and teenagers who are in complete rebellion against their parents!
7. "Unthankful." Many people receive kindnesses from others without even thinking of thanking them. And they accept everything from God without ever returning thanks to Him.
8. "Unholy" is profane. They are actually against God in their conversation and in their manner of life.
9. "Without natural affection" means having abnormal relationships. We are living in a day when homosexuality is being accepted as normal conduct. Yet in Romans 1:24 Paul clearly states, "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves." Humanity sinks to its lowest level when it accepts homosexuality.
10. "Trucebreakers" are people who are impossible to get along with. They are irreconcilable—they won’t let you get along with them. I recall seeing a little sign in a restaurant out in West Texas which read, "We can’t please everybody, but we try." Well, you can’t please everybody; there are folk who are impossible to please.
11. "False accusers" certainly abound today!
12. "Incontinent" means without self–control. That, again, characterizes a large segment of our contemporary society.
13. "Fierce" means savage. In our day the city streets have become asphalt jungles. Many of them are unsafe even in the daytime.
14. "Despisers of those that are good" is better translated haters of the good. We see evidence of that abroad!
15. "Traitors" are betrayers. There are some folk whom you don’t dare trust.
16. "Heady" means reckless.
17. "Highminded" means blinded by pride or drunk with pride.
18. "Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God." This actually characterizes mankind in our day. Never has there been a time when so much money has been spent in order to provide pleasure. Look at the athletic and entertainment events today. These are the things that are attracting millions of people. That is exactly the route Rome took when it went down. The mob was provided with grain and circuses, and then Rome fell. That same thing is happening today. I have always loved to participate in athletics, but I could never understand this type of athletics that just sits and beholds. I never thought that it was very exciting to go out to the coliseum and sit with 85,000 people to watch twenty–two men working for $25,000 (or more) apiece. Of course I would like to be out there myself, but I am not interested in watching them as much as I would be in watching a ditchdigger because he is not as money hungry. I don’t blame any man for making as much money as he can, but the point is that billions of dollars are being spent for entertainment because men are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God."McGee, J. V. (1991). Vol. 50: Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (1 and 2 Timothy/Titus/Philemon) (electronic ed.) (116–119). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Apparently once a racist always a racist..."
He must believe that
she has not changed in almost 30 years.
Deen's No. 1 Cookbook? Now Publisher Won't Print It
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...More power to the book-sellers that aren't stupid and are raking in the cash right now."
She has asked for
Wal-Mart Stores ends relationship with Paul
Deen as fallout continues
Tactics of the Left
Target cut ties
More Paula Deen fallout: Sears, KMart,
Walgreens, JCP
Deen said “no” to the equivalent of a
do you think of Paula Deen being fired from
the Food Network?