Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[H]e did his best to save a country..."
Oh, I see why they hate you. Isa. 30:1.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "He looked for truth but couldn't find it. He looked for God but couldn't find Him..."
Did he really look for God?
Heb 11:6. Invite me. I'll
tell the truth.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Ktoyou] "I already told you, remember?"
My Baloney has a first name
It's O-S-C-A-R
My baloney has a second name
It's M-A-Y-E-R
I like to eat it every day
And if you ask me why I'll say
Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-N-G-A
Response to comment [from other]: [Keypurr] "He loved, He cared..."
He needed a friend (Jn