I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope. (Psalm 130:5)
Today’s big question: what is the biblical view of hope?
Translations frequently suffer from the fact that words in different languages do not always have exact parallels to the language into which it is being translated. Translators must often choose close approximations, which capture the general meaning but may lose the specific nuances of the originals. Such is the case with the words translated as hope.
People usually think of hope as a vague feeling of desire. Our hope tends to be that which we wish to happen but not necessarily what we expect. Perhaps you’ve heard the expression, “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.” This is antithetical to the definition of hope as we find it in the Bible.
There are actually about ten different Hebrew words rendered as hope in the Old Testament depending on the translation. We only have space to consider a few of most common examples. Tiqvah literally means a cord or attachment. It was a scarlet tiqvah that Rahab tied in her window as a sign of the promise that she would be spared in the conquest of Jericho (Joshua 2:17–21).
Tiqvah comes from the root word qavah, which is also commonly translated as hope. This word originally carried the sense of something strengthened by being bound together, such as a rope. This rope or cord endures when tested and stretched. The concept of hope as symbolically represented by these words is the trust placed in an unbreakable promise.
Another common Hebrew word translated as hope is yachal. Yachal means to wait expectantly. It is to patiently endure because of the assurance of what is coming. “For in You, O Lord, I hope; You will hear, O Lord my God” (Psalm 38:15).
In contrast to the plethora of Hebrew words, there are only two Greek words for hope in the New Testament. Elpis is an expectation or confidence, and its verb form, elpizo, is the act of expecting or trusting. They also include the idea of waiting for the object of our trust. “For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance” (Romans 8:24–25).
The biblical definition of hope has nothing to do with a personal wish or vague desire. Rather, our hope is an absolute assurance. We are to have unwavering confidence in Jesus, who is our Hope, as we patiently wait for His return. “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).
Today’s big idea: our hope in Jesus is an absolute assurance.
What to pray: ask God to help you show “diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end” (Hebrews 6:11).
the Biblical Authority Devotional
Serving as a supplement to the insightful book by Steve Ham, In God We Trust, the Biblical Authority Devotional series focuses on teaching God’s Word as the authority in every area of our lives. Having reached the end of this series, we are excited offer 366 devotionals, one for every day of the year—plus one for leap years. We encourage you to check out our other devotionals.
In God We Trust
In God We Trust takes a deeper look at living a truly God-focused life. You’ll learn not only to defend your faith according to the authority of God’s Word, but also to live it out in every part of life.