Biblical Authority Pt IV: What Is the
Power Behind Those Powerful Words?
[An excerpt: What Is the Power Behind Those Powerful Words? by Steve Ham] "Thus says God the LORD, Who created the heavens and stretched them out, Who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it, Who gives breath to the people on it, And spirit to those who walk on it. (Isaiah 42:5)
“Thus says the Lord.” Whenever you read those powerful words from the Bible,
always beware of the words that follow. The Bible constantly talks from an
authoritative position of power. When God speaks through His Word, we must
listen (Proverbs 8:6-11). But what is so serious about us listening? Well, apart
from anything else, we must consider who is speaking. He is the One whose very
breath created all things and gave life and breath to all that lives. Consider
the vast expanse of the heavens with countless stars and galaxies. God spoke
them into existence on the fourth day of creation and His Word simply states,
“and he created the stars also.”
The Bible claims to have the most powerful message that man can know: Galatians
1:3-5 states that through Jesus Christ we can be saved out of this present evil
world. This means that the message must come from someone who is truly powerful
to the extent that He conquers all of this world’s evil. He is able to define
the beginning and end of this world, and He is big enough not to be limited to
this world that we need to be saved from. The basic concept here is that we are
impotent in our situation of sin and unable to save ourselves. We rely on the
Omnipotent, and if there is not one with complete and ultimate power, we are
without hope and the message of the gospel is folly.
Yet, God is that powerful Creator. He has power to create, power to judge, and
power to save. This is demonstrated not only in His works of creation but also
in His dealings with people and in the person and works of Jesus Christ. Jesus’
authoritative power was demonstrated by one lady touching His garment and
receiving healing. He healed the blind, the lame, and the sick. He turned water
into wine, the wind and waves obeyed Him, the demons obeyed Him, and He forgave
sin as only God can. The Bible claims that Christ is the power unto salvation;
it is the power from an omnipotent God that is displayed in the vastness of His
creation and in the history of this world as recorded in His Word." Full text:
Biblical Authority Pt
IV: What Is the Power Behind Those Powerful Words?