Do you want biblical and medical answers to the question of when life truly begins? This vital “sanctity of life” question—highly relevant in today’s culture wars—is addressed in a powerful 34-minute anti-abortion video by Dr. Tommy Mitchell, a medical doctor, who graduated from the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

The video is part of a larger set coproduced by AiG titled The Sanctity of Life, in which AiG speakers like Dr. Georgia Purdom and Dr. David Menton examine questions regarding abortion as well as euthanasia, cloning, stem cells, and much more. You can find out more information about this excellent series on the online store.

Watch this powerful pro-life video by Dr. Tommy Mitchell below—and you can also download it here for free. We encourage you to forward this video to as many people as you can so they will be equipped to have strong biblical and medical reasons to oppose the evil of abortion.

Vid: see link