Biblical Authority
Pt II: When Is the Beginning of
In Revelation 21:6, we are told that God is the Beginning and the End. When we read similar verses, we have to come to the logical conclusion that it is impossible for human comprehension to measure the un-measurable.
So when is the beginning of God? The answer is the same as was told to Moses at the burning bush. God is (the I Am). He simply is and has always been.
Let us think for a moment about matter. The Bible tells us that God created all matter in the entire universe (Colossians 1:16). If we reject the notion of an eternal God, the only other possibility is to accept the notion of eternal matter. Is this not the same dilemma? The only two choices are eternal God or eternal matter.1 However, Christians have something that matter cannot provide: a confirmable historical account that claims to be the Word of God, which, in fact, states that God is the eternal limitless One and the Creator of all things.
So when we come to God’s Word, we can come with an expectation. There is One who is wiser than all of us (Colossians 2:3) and not bound by our limitations of time (in fact, God is the Creator of time, Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1-3). When studying the Bible in regard to the past, present, or future, we come with the expectation that there is One who logically claims to know all and is existent from everlasting to everlasting (Isaiah 46:10). Since the Bible is not written from the will of men but from God, it is entirely consistent on subjects like eternity." Full text: When Is the Beginning of God?