Where Would you Move if you were Forced to go for Religious Reasons?

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "In light of the attack on biblical Christianity in this country, and things like this are happening more frequently, my wife and I have discussed preparing to leave the country if necessary. I am curious on your thoughts as to where you would go if forced to leave? And why...."

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "We're safe in Texas."

Don't mess with Texas!

Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "What biblical reference do you have in reference to home schooling?  Now I'm personally not pro-home-schooling, but I believe it should be a right [for] parents, but where have we got the idea it's a none negotiable right?

(Pr 22:6).  Parents have a duty to raise their kids in the fear and admonition (discipline and instruction) of the Lord (Eph 6:4).  We should teach the Bible to kids before they leave home.  The public schools have officially kicked God out.  Home-schooling is a great way to ensure godly teaching.  I'm sure liberals will continue trying to get their hands on kids to indoctrinate them while they are young.    

"I recommend you come to Canada. It's close, we have practically the same culture as you except we don't like guns..."

In American, our Second Amendment rights protect our First Amendment rights. 

"But when all options are gone and the state if forcibly removing my children from my care and forcing them into the public system, I am leaving."

It may come to that.  A ten year old Christian girl has been "ordered into government-run public school for having 'sincerely held' religious beliefs...[s]he appeared to reflect her mother's rigidity on questions of faith."  Story:  Ten Year Old Girl Ordered into Public School

Where Would you Move if you were Forced to go for Religious Reasons?